How Donald Trump’s guilty verdict will get him re-elected

The weeks-long, hush-money suit that gulped a steep sum of $2 million ended on a disappointing note for Donald Trump and his men, especially Chris LaCivita, Senator Marco Rubio, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and Trump’s multitude of followers across the globe.

The Republican nominee has been convicted on all 34 counts in a crime involving payments made to a porn star, Stormy Daniels (real name Stephanie Gregory Clifford), before the 2016 US election to chisel voters. The ugly verdict has made Trump the first former US president to be convicted in the history of America’s legal system.

The presiding judge, Juan Merchan, who read the closing arguments and who Trump branded a ‘tryrant’, must have made history. The 12 jurors drawn from New York City, and who unanimously agreed Trump was guilty, must’ve made history. Stormy Daniels, who’s at the centre of the case and who declared she ‘can’t wait to see Trump sent to jail’, has obviously made her story. The shameful finding, which has stirred up hornets’ nest within the Republican circle, is a blessing in disguise because it’ll, for the reasons given below, help Trump win the November poll.

First, Trump performed excellently well whilst in office. His achievements spanned social welfare, tax cuts, low inflation rate, zero war and zero terrorism. The average yearly inflation during his government was 1.9%, a figure way lower than Biden’s 3.36%. As an astute and sensitive economy planner, who understands the danger inflation could pose, Trump worked hard and made common spending on items such as groceries and gas very affordable.

He improved the overall economic welfare of the US citizens by stimulating the economy and shoring up aid. When you compare the 9.9% average year-on-year inflation during Jimmy Carter’s 1977 to 1981 reign with Trump’s (2017-2020) 1.9%, or Joe Biden’s current 3.36%, you know who Americans will vote in November.

When you consider Trump’s $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, you know who Americans will vote. Thus, not only have the US citizens benefited immensely from Trump’s policies, the former president has continued to use his achievements, together with a clampdown on illegal migrants as a rallying cry for his re-election.

The second reason why the verdict will earn Trump victory is that he commands the love, loyalty and respect of a multitude of supporters despite being booed by a small group in a Bronx Libertarian meeting. The myth that it’s only a combative individual like Trump that can protect the US citizens against terrorism and make the country great again, is rife. It triggered the 2020 insurrection at the US Capitol.

Governance is basically about what the ruled can benefit from the rulers and not what the rulers can steal from the ruled, thereby impoverishing and enslaving them. Trump prioritised job opportunity and spoke vehemently against immigrants depriving the US citizens of jobs. This issue is closely related to the illegal influxes of migrants into the US, which Trump is set to tackle immediately he returns to the White House.

Mass shootings (such as the May’s in Ohio State) and rape cases are fast consuming the US, and Americans are really worried about public welfare under the current government which they believe hasn’t done much.

Third, the fact that Trump has been persecuted and unfairly convicted is deeply etched on the brows of many. When the relationship between him and the current administration is critically looked into, one senses politics interfering with the trial. Trump’s affirmation that the allegation against him is false and the verdict ‘rigged’ and ‘politically motivated’ in order to eliminate him from the November poll has continued to echo in the heads of many Americans, shaping their sentiments and worldview. In addition, the humiliation he suffered at the hands of his traducers in the frosty Manhattan courtroom and the psychological trauma caused his family, especially his wife Melania, have drawn tears from numerous households. All of these are vote boosters.

An accused person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Concerning the Trump-Daniels suit uncovered by whistleblowers and sold to Manhattan District Attorneys, none of us was at the scene of the crime and only God, daylight and night can reveal the truth if they’re physical beings.

It’s rather creepy for or a porn star, for that matter to testify against a VIP like Trump. What made Stormy Daniels tick? Whether the adult film actress was lying or saying the truth and Trump admits everything is true or not, I’m fully convinced by my instinct that Stormy Daniels was motivated by Trump’s haters to take Manhattan by storm for recognition.

On the contrary, Trump is paying for his excesses, snobbery, hubris and careless statements about people and places. The same Trump is certainly going to be massively voted by blacks, whites and coloureds in November. Convicted, Trump risks running for president from prison, ruling from prison if he wins the election and spending the rest of his life there if sentenced July 11. However, his age, the cost of protecting him in prison custody and the fact that such a verdict has never been handed any former US president before will likely make his sentence impossible.

Skyscrapers and golf lawns owners are displeased with Trump’s guilty verdict; billionaires are displeased; storms and lighting that killed 34 cows and about 30 people when the hush-money trial was winding down in May in the US, were displeased. There’s tension in the US. Biden’s been busy buzzing the buzzers. State prosecutors are preferring fresh charges against Trump’s allies, with some allies heading for prison already. ‘The clouds are thickening’ in the US. Son convicted and father vowing not to pardon him.

In months to come, no one knows how much bubble will burst and steam will be let off. President Biden should consider pardoning Trump rather than publicly ripping him to bits in crippling rhetoric just as he’s recently relaxed his immigration policy (for a votes’ purpose) by favouring black immigrants. Trump’s resolve to accept any verdict but file an appeal shows that he’s a visionary leader ready to rebuild America.

To conclude this article, I’ll say that Trump’s experience should serve as a lesson to nations that have corrupted and bastardized their judiciary, and where no system is functioning. The government under President Biden deserves commendation: It showcases the level of sanity in the US; it represents a system that’s functional; it portrays a society that’s well organised. But Donald Trump can do these better. In the future, America will imprint Joseph Robinette Biden Jnr.’s and Donald John Trump’s pictures on $5 million and $10 million notes respectively.

Sola wrote from Port Harcourt.


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