Muslim ladies circle sets to complete 500 student capacity boarding school

Muslim ladies circle

Plans are underway by a Non-Governmental Organisation, Muslim Ladies Circle (MLC), to build a high-standard boarding school that offers both Islamic and Western education.
Towards bringing this project to fruition, MLC acquired 1.5 hectares (36 plots) of land in the Ajiran area of the Lekki peninsula in 2002 with all necessary documentation from the Lagos State Land Bureau and Town Planning Authority.
MLC was registered with the government in 1978, with the main objective of contributing to the socio-economic development of the nation, particularly in the area of education and human capital development.
Speaking on the proposed boarding school project by MLC, who are also the founder of ‘Crescent Schools’ the Amirah MLC, Alhaja Sherifat Adeyemi, said the boarding school project is coming at a time when there is a growing demand and desire among parents in Nigeria and beyond, to incorporate Islamic and Qur’anic teachings into their children’s education within a structured environment that upholds high standards.

“The project is a complete school with all necessary facilities. It will meet the goal of producing wholesome persons who are academically sound and spiritually upright. The school will consist of a twin-building administrative complex with a minimum of three floors. The complex will house classrooms, administrative offices, and staff rooms. Additionally, another building with three floors will serve as the hostel. The land will also accommodate the Head of School’s residence, a mosque, dining and multipurpose halls, staff quarters, recreational areas, car parking lots, and other necessary facilities,” she said.

She further said that the total estimated project cost is N14.6 billion and the total value of investment to date by MLC in the development is N6 billion which N8.560 billion will be raised at the upcoming official launch on March 24, 2024. “N8.6 billion is the estimated cost of the construction phase which we envisage will be raised through the fund-raising initiative. His Royal Highness Khalifah Muhammadu Sanusi the 2nd, the 14th emir of Kano will be the Keynote Speaker at the fundraising event.”
While imploring well-meaning Nigerians, local and international philanthropic organisations and other cheerful givers to support the project by donating generously towards its realisation, the MLC Amirah however noted that all the money generated by Crescent over the years, is ploughed back into the system.
The Head of Crescent Schools, Alhaja Fatimah Mahmud-Oyekan, noted that “Crescent School was founded in 1974 by committed Muslim ladies, including the onetime Deputy Governor of Lagos State, Alhaja Lateefah Okunnu. In line with the mission Crescent Schools was established through donations by members and other well-meaning members of the public. The Crescent Schools comprises a Nursery and Primary section and a College, which has grown in leaps and bounds, producing reputable professionals who are contributing immensely to the society.”


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