Chinese President, Xi Jinping, salutes AU at 37

China president Xi-Jinping

The President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, has congratulated the African Union on its 37th summit.

This was contained in a congratulatory message to the Union last Saturday.

President Xi pointed out that the world was undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, and that the Global South, represented by China and Africa, is booming, which has a profound impact on the course of world history.

He added that the AU brings African countries together to seek strength through unity, and promote integration, as well as the building of free trade areas.

He said: “The AU’s successful accession to the G20 has further enhanced Africa’s representation and lifted its voice in global governance, and China extends heartfelt congratulations on that, he added.

“The Chinese President stressed that over the past years, China-Africa relations have grown deeper. As the China-Africa Leaders’ Dialogue was successfully held, the two sides decided to support each other in exploring their modernization paths and jointly create a favourable environment for realizing their development visions, Xi added.

He also reminded us that the new session of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation is going to be held in 2024, and pledged readiness to work with leaders of African countries, with a focus on the benefits of people from both sides, to draw up a new blueprint for China-Africa cooperation and promote the joint building of a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future.


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