54-year-old man bags 14 years imprisonment for sexual assault

Lagos Special Sexual Offences Court, Ikeja

Justice Rahman Oshodi of a Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Court, Ikeja, yesterday, convicted and sentenced a 54 year-old man, Monday John to 14 years imprisonment for attempts to commit sexual assault by penetration on a 13 year old girl.

John was sentenced after he pleaded guilty to one-count amended charge brought against him by the Lagos state government.

The convict committed the offence on October 16, 2020, at about 12:30p.m. at No. 27 Olarenwaju Street, Bariga, Lagos.

He defiled the 13 years old girl by trying to penetrate her vagina with his finger.

The prosecuting counsel, Ms Bukola Okeowo had told court his offence contradicted section 262 of the Criminal Law, Cap C.17, Vol.3, Laws of Lagos State, 2015.

The convict was 50 years old when he committed the offence in 2020, while the survivor was 13 years.

However, while delivering judgment, Justice Oshodi held that the facts of the case were disturbing.

The judge said: “As an adult of 50 years old, you exploited the vulnerability of a 13-year-old child and subjected her to sexual abuse.

“Your actions have undoubtedly caused profound trauma and harm to the victim.
I have considered your guilty plea and willingness to take responsibility for your crimes by entering into the plea bargain agreement.

“However, this does not detract from the gravity of your offence. The law is clear that a child under the age of 13 cannot consent to sexual activities, and ignorance of a child’s age is no defence.”

Oshodi also said that the sentence agreed upon in the plea bargain reflected the seriousness of his crime as it carried a term of 14 years imprisonment.

“Accordingly, I sentence you to 14 years imprisonment commencing on your remand date, November 13, 2020, and you shall also be registered as a sex offender.

The sentence will send a clear message that sexual exploitation of children will not be tolerated and will be met with severe consequences under the law.”

“I hope that during your incarceration, you will reflect deeply on your actions and the harm you have caused, and that you will commit to rehabilitation,” the judge held.


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