A Breathless experience set for the screen

After rigorously working on a manuscript that was first written about three years ago, the cast and crew of the film, Breathless, moved to location on the outskirt of Lagos some weeks back.

   And the cast and crew had been working tireless since then to give their best to ensure that they interpret the script and input their technical knowhow into the package to ensure an excellent production. 

  At one of the locations, a club in Eti-Osa Local Government, Lagos, the director of the film, Charles Uwagbai, and three members of the cast provided an insight into why they decided to the part of the film.

  The story is built around an asthmatic lady, Iris, who died in a mysterious manner; Senator Okpodu and his two sons, a biological and adopted, who were suspected to be involved in the death of Iris and Jenny, the younger sister of Iris, who came into the scene to revenge the death of her elder sister.  

   Uwagbai disclosed that Doris Ariole wrote the script three years ago but after working on it to readapt it to suit the present time and with the right funding, the promoters of the film felt it was time to move to location.

   He also disclosed that to ensure that the script is right, about 20 professionals drawn from different fields had to read the script, gave their criticism, which had been taken care off, as the criticisms were incorporated into the final script. He however said that one opinion that ran through the different submissions about the script was that it is a unique and excellently told story.  

  Principally, Uwagbai said the story is meant to teach some knowledge about asthma and forgiveness. 

   According to him, seasoned professionals were deliberately picked for the production so that they could better interpret the characters and ensured a good work that the viewing audience would be wowed about the film.  

   “We have an amazing crew, everybody listens to everybody and shares ideas.”

   As the director, he said that working with the cast and crew has been a wonderful experience, as each was always willing including making sacrifices to ensure a good production that would be appreciated around the world. 

  He disclosed that Creative Unit Multimedia and Flykirt Production with support from the Federal Ministry of Finance Film Production Fund are the organisations behind the production of the film.

 According to Uwagbai, groundwork for the production of the film started more than a year ago. He said that before approaching the Federal Ministry of Finance Film Production Fund last year February, there had been efforts to source for fund though the support of the ministry came at the appropriate time. He however maintained that if the fund from the ministry had not come, they would have still gone ahead with the production of the film, since they had a good script.  

  Uti Nwachukwu, one of the popular faces that is featuring in the film, said that it was amazing taking part in the production. According to him, normally it takes him three to four days to get back to the director and producer of any film he was invited to pick up a role but for this, after reading the script within three hours; he immediately got in touch with the director that he would be glad to be part of the production. 

    For him, the film is outstanding and not one of the many films that keeps telling the same old story of love with no suspense and twist. He described the story as absolutely incredible that many would be glad to stay glue to their screen to watch. 

   “The intrigue, suspense in the film will leave you breathless at the end, it is very unusual,” Nwachukwu further observed.

   Also featuring in the film is Mike Ezeruonye, who is playing Ben. He said the motivation to be part of the production started from the script, which to him, is well crafted, besides registering his artistic presence. 

  For Brycee Adiah Bassey, who is playing Jenny, and initially out to revenge the death of her elder sister in the production, the script came at the right time, aside the story is different, not the typical drama. This, she said, was why she decided to pick up a role in the production.

