Ademowo Dedicates Immanuel Anglican Parish

Immanuel-Ang-Parish-pix-CopyTHE Bishop of Lagos Diocese, Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion, His Grace, Most Rev. Dr. E. A. Ademowo, has advised the parishioners of

Immanuel Anglican Parish, Apapa, Lagos to read their Bible and practise the injunctions of God’s word. He gave the advice in Lagos, while dedicating Immanuel Anglican Parish building complex in Apapa, two Saturdays ago. He said as they read the Bible on daily basis, they would be good example to others.

According to the Dean Emeritus Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion, “The Diocese of Lagos is the oldest, since 1919. We have made progress spiritually and physically and our members are growing. This church building was nothing to write home about before, as it was low and stuffy. But today, we have a gigantic one-storey edifice and people gave a lot to make this possible. The missionaries made us, by building schools and our spirituality.”

The Vicar of the Parish, Venerable Samuel Uhie, who thanked God for His mercies and grace, said he was happy to be part of the historical event.

“This edifice would be used to proclaim the name of the Lord. It was challenging carrying out this project. If He can do it, there is nothing He would not do for us. We are happy. The Bishop is a father and a mentor, indeed. He was of great assistance during the construction of the project. This new building would be used for inter and intra evangelism. We would help the needy as a way to win souls, pay school fees, house rents and start businesses. An application of the word through humanitarian services,” he said.

The renovation project, which started in November 2012, took members of the church three years to complete. The event also witnessed the commissioning of another 135KVA generating set.

