Ambassadors for Christ -Part 2

Anybody who is an Ambassador for Christ must resemble Christ. Anybody who says God is his father must resemble his father. When people look at my face, they see my father’s face. In the matter of God, God indwells our heart and He is in total control. Whatever we say, whatever we contribute, whatever position we take, whatever people will say about our lives and however we live everyday must reflect Christ. Any other thing should not be acceptable to anybody who is a true child of God.

In the New Testament, Christ tells a parable of a ruler sending an emissary, a select delegation to negotiate peace (Luke 14:32). Christ ambassa­dors are a select, chosen by Christ to make appeal on His behalf to sinners and to also reconcile them to Christ. Ambassador for Christ is not part of evil things people are doing in the society. He does not think evil and sin has no place in his life. Bible says sin should not have dominion over you (Romans 6:14). Sin simply means someone’s inability to agree or to meet up to divine standards, and these standards have been clearly spelt out in the Bible. Ambassador for Christ does not do things that do not agree with God. He/she runs away from whatever is sin, whatever kind of thoughts that God would not want. He/she will not develop a philosophy that is contrary to what God wants.

An ambassador for Christ will not sit in the wrong places; He will not stand in the wrong places; He will not move with the wrong company and He will not listen to the wrong things, because God is in charge and he is an ambassador of the Kingdom of God. There is another kingdom, which is the kingdom of the devil, but we have not been appointed ambassadors for that kingdom, because we do not belong to it at all. We as Christ Ambassadors do not belong to the devil, and we have nothing to do with the devil. We do not belong to the world system, where some ambassadors are experts in telling lies, double speaking, deceit and hypocrisy, among others. We are not ignorant of these things and the Bible says we are not ignorant of the devices of the devil (2 Corinthians 2:11). Some countries’ presidents tell lies; they tell mountains of lies. They will be looking at you with their eyes open and still be blowing the lies. Ambassadors for Christ do not tell lies because we have a King and God is also our Father. For Christ’s sake, someone must resemble his father or his mother or either of his grandparents.

I pray that the Lord will help to represent Christ in all you do. Christ is the foundation of our faith; Christ is the chief corner stone; Christ is the only name on which we stand; Christ is the only name by which we go and Christ is the only name by which we want to be recognised. Our testimonies stand for Christ. No matter our profession and ethnic background, we are most importantly ambassadors for Christ. You are not an ordinary man, if you are an ambassador for Christ, because you are the temple of the Holy Spirit and you are having fellowship with God.
• Today’s Nugget: Ambassadors for Christ must resemble Christ.
Prayer: Lord help me to be a true ambassador for Christ.
Prayer lines: 08054477940.
E-mail: Rev. Pastor Ejikeme Ejim, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God Nigeria.


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