Anya-Ndi-Igbo endorses Obi for president

Labour Party presidential candidate, Peter Obi was welcomed by thousands of party supporters in Yola Adamawa state on Tuesday.

Anya-Ndi-Igbo, a non-partisan, socio-political and economic development-oriented organisation, committed to equity, peace, unity, justice and progress of Nigeria, has endorsed the presidential candidate of Labour Party (LP), Peter Obi for president and his running mate, Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed as Vice President in the next weekend.

In statement signed by the group and made available to The Guardian, the endorsement came after consulting with certain opinion leaders across the country, which corroborated with the group that Obi/Datti is the preferred choice for the job.

The statement reads: “In keeping with our quest for the good governance in Nigeria, we set up a team of nation building experts to scope and evaluate the evidence of competence, capacity, education, background, worldview and international exposure of the candidates of the 18 political parties.

“In addition, they were mandated to consult opinion leaders across Nigeria. The outcome of their elaborate exercise has been the recommendation that we endorse the candidacy of Obi/Datti as our preferred candidate.

“Amongst the criteria that guided the choice of Obi/ Datti Presidential candidacy from the LP espouses fair, just and purposeful Nigeria; consistent in programme offering, increase in economic production and reduce consumption as remedy to the current economic and social malaise facing the country.”

Others include financial frugality in brand marketing, rallies and campaigns; being civil and issue-oriented in political communication while challenging the candidate of the party in office at the federal level.

According to their findings, the Labour Party candidate has been supportive of orderly governance, even when governing party officials and candidates are publicly and impolitely controverting and distancing themselves from contemporary government programmes of which they are part.

The statement continued: “In the matter of refined petroleum product supply challenges, the Labour Party candidate identified removal of subsidy on consumption as remedy. And in the matter of new-design currency challenge, Obi has cautioned patience and forbearance, while some serving governors and candidates of other parties are inciting insurrection.

“He has easily won the respect and support of the youth of Nigeria, both within and outside the country, which several pre-voting scientific polls and surveys have confirmed and has shown compassion, maintained integrity, displayed eloquence, manifested vigour, and avoided mischief and scandal, during the hustings.

“He enjoys unqualified and overwhelming acceptance and endorsement by political players and power blocs across Nigeria. Beyond ethnic or religious divides considering the total endorsement by the Afenifere, the Middle Belt Forum, the Niger Delta Forum and leading elders in the North.

“The ticket has the public and considered endorsement of no less a person than a two-time President of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo GCFR as well as several national leaders. On account of the above facts, and the evidence of his transformative performance whilst Governor of Anambra State, Anya Ndi Igbo, though a non-partisan, socio-political and economic development-oriented organisation, committed to equity, peace, unity, justice and progress of Nigeria and wholeheartedly endorsed, Mr. Peter Obi, the candidate of the LP for the Office of President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and humbly request eligible voters across the country to elect him to the Office.

“At the polling stations, voters should thumb-print properly beside the symbol of the Labour Party on election day which is the February 25, 2023. Arise in confidence and support Peter Obi/ DattiBaba Ahmed.”



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