Author, Kaia Ra’s ‘The Sophia Code’ helping millions find self love, personal empowerment

For centuries now, the power of spirituality, meditation, and the world of spiritual healing has been deeply motivating for many. Kaia Ra’s bestselling book ‘The Sophia Code’ has opened that door for countless spiritual seekers and even seasoned practitioners of faith around the world. The book is often referred to as a modern sacred text for our times and a bible for the Divine Feminine movement. It has helped millions across the globe to find self-love, healing, and personal empowerment.

The Sophia Code book became an international bestseller within five days of it’s release on Amazon in June 2016. The first foreign language translation of the book into French by Ariane Publishing, ‘Le Code Sophia’ was released in October 2020 and has since risen to become one of the fastest bestsellers in three categories on online platforms like Amazon and Audible. “The Sophia Code is a catalyst for activating both personal and collective spiritual awakening that speaks directly to your heart. I feel such appreciation for the profound welcome that we have received from our French readership,” says author Kaia Ra. You can learn more about the overnight success of Le Code Sophia in this recent Youtube interview with Lilou Macé.

The book imparts knowledge that is free of religious context while retaining original teachings from mystic Divine Feminine lineages from around the world. Kaia Ra channels these revelations from a collective voice of Ascended Masters known as ‘The Sophia Dragon Tribe’. The Sophia Code covers spiritual topics such as self-empowerment, self-love, self-mastery, personal sovereignty, healing from trauma, accepting your divinity, and honoring your Inner Child. The author shares that The Sophia Code is a living transmission for the readers, which means the teachings work on many levels of the reader’s consciousness and can be repeatedly resourced for new understanding with every read. In the book, she also talks about the important connection between following the voice of your heart to fulfill your divine purpose.

The Sophia Code teachings are the foundation for Kaia Ra’s Mystery School, where she offers multiple curriculum courses for mentoring with her and the Ascended Masters. Here, students talk about the book, learn about their Higher Self, and explore their own spiritual leadership. According to the author, there is immense power in spiritual tools such as the art of channeling, creative writing, using mantras with meditation, the healing power of prayer, and understanding the innate magnetism of your chakra system.

As a Divine Feminine speaker, Kaia Ra has also shared The Sophia Code teachings as a free ministerial offering on her Youtube channel called ‘The Heaven on Earth Prayer Collective’ for six years. Her most recent offerings include a leadership certification course, designing a spiritual jewelry collection inscribed with teachings from her book, and a French simulcast Youtube journey through The Sophia Code that starts February 2021. “Sharing The Sophia Code teachings on humanity’s sovereign divinity is my greatest calling and presenting those teachings in 2019 for the first time to French readership in Paris was one of the highlights of my professional career,” says Kaia Ra.


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