Dark mood meets high fashion, Les Fantome Palette infuses emotive art into luxury streetwear

Art has an evocative purpose in humanity. The most famous art pieces throughout history are the ones that tell profound stories and human truths to evoke the most intense of emotions. Whether it is expressionism, surrealism, or modernism, art enthusiasts yearn to feel and experience art in a way that extends beyond the five senses.

Artists’ and audiences’ emotional inclination to art drives the discipline to evolve into higher forms of sentiments. Visual art releases positive, negative, compelling, and sometimes unexplainable emotions.

The “dark art” style rose to fame two years ago. It initially triggered negatively perceived emotions such as anger, grief, and fear. Over time, people started removing the labels of emotions and celebrated them as a necessary part of the human experience. “Dark mood” became associated with power, freedom, and serendipitous uncertainty.

For Kwasi Nkansa, art pulled him out of his life’s darkest moments. High fashion, which had always been his interest, was the medium that inspired him to create his company, Les Fantome Palette.

Dark mood meets high fashion

Nkansa is a science practitioner but an artist at his core. He studied rehabilitation medicine, specializing in physical and cognitive health. He then worked as a chemistry researcher at L’Oreal before building his own business.

Loosely translated to “the ghost palette,” Les Fantome Palette is a luxury streetwear brand. It is the result of Nkansa overcoming his dark emotional episodes and doubt in his life and focusing on his love for vibrant palettes, color chemistry, various textures, and science.

The brand’s philosophy is to appeal to the senses and help evolve a person’s style, with each hue and texture complementing the dark moods each design is intended to exude. Les Fantome Palette’s collections are wearable art, applying the aesthetic elements of clothing to prompt strong emotions among art and fashion enthusiasts.

Unfolding more artful style with Capsule IV

Les Fantome Palette launched in 2021 and has already expanded to Milan and Paris, with collections featuring handmade shirts, knits, bottoms, accessories, and outerwear. Its latest collection, Capsule IV, strengthens the brand’s vibrant culture of meticulous design, street style, and rebellious energy. Almost every piece is handmade, using premium textiles and colorful detailing. Each piece is a physical expression inspired by dark art and personal emotion. The designs are then stitched into raw canvases to represent the core of the Les Fantome Palette.



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