Dealing with foundational problems – Part 3

John Okene
Text: Jer. 16:1-11
The powers from one’s foundation can manipulate one to make a mistake one can regret making throughout one’s life.

A family had a pregnant maid who was subjected to hard labour without proper care. She gave birth to a male child, but lost it and in that pain, issued a curse that there would be no cry of a male child in that family. It took a member of that family some time of intense prayers and great spiritual insight to break that curse years later. She understood that by the reason of redemption and the new birth in Christ, we can be disconnected from every family curse and be connected to the Abrahamic covenant.

There are certain effects of foundational problems we need to understand. First of all, it can hinder your progress as a person. Secondly, it has the capacity to take a person’s life. We see how during the reign of Ahab, the first child of Hiel, died mysteriously and the last child followed suit as a result of a curse. Thirdly, it is capable of destroying one’s destiny. Jer. 29:11 tells us that God has prepared a future for us and that is your destiny, but many persons are unable to fulfil that future because of a faulty foundation. May God destroy such a foundation and set you on a new platform to rise to the next level in Jesus’ name. The fourth effect of the foundational problem is that it has the capacity to make the first become the last. We see that in the case of Reuben in Gen. 49:1-3 and 1 Chron. 5:1. May God turn every negative tide for your good in Jesus’ name?

So many things can open doors to foundational problems in the life of a man. One of them is idol worship. We can see this in Jer. 16:11 of our Bible text. If your parents were idolaters and you never did anything about it after your conversion to Christ, be sure that such a foundation will cause you some problems. Another cause is the existence of witches or wizards in your parentage; this includes your direct parents, grand or great grandparents. Nahum 3:4, tells us that witches can sell out their families and even nations through witchcraft. If that explains your situation, may God cancel it, today, in Jesus’ name? Again, if you have a foundation of marine worshippers this can introduce foundational problems into your life. The power behind the operations of Pharaoh was marine power because he was a marine worshipper. He was known to always go to the river in the early hours of the day, as we see in Exo. 7:15, 8:20 and 9:13. Hence, God sent Moses to rise up early in the mornings to stand before him. Such marine worship brought a grave effect upon him and even the whole nation of Egypt, as expressed in Ezk. 29; 2-3.

Again, when God asked Moses to stretch forth his rod to the river in Ex 7:19-20 the great dragon, Leviathan was destroyed, all the firstborn of Egypt were killed and the people suffered grave consequences while the Israelites were released to go and serve God. I pray for you that every power holding you down from fulfilling your destiny will be destroyed today in Jesus’ name.

• Rev. John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries. Warri, Delta State. Prayerline: +2348135952623


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