Discover the will of God for you – Part 16

Emeritus Prof. Mercy Olumide

Jesus provides you access to the throne of grace, so you can learn His plan for you (Heb 4:6). He is your example of the life of faith in every way (Rom 8:29). His Holy Spirit guides and empowers you (John 16:13-14; 1Cor 2:9-16; Phil 2:3). His prayers sustain you (Heb 7:25). His word provides a light to your path (Ps 119:105)

We Know God’s Will Through His Word
“I delight to do your will, O my God, and your law is within my heart,” (Ps 40:8).
“Know His will, and approve the things that are excellent, being instructed out of the law,” (Rom 2:8).

Knowing the will of God must not be thought of merely as finding a certain vocation in life. That aspect represents only a small part of God’s will. Rather, the will of God is for everyone to live in conformity to His revealed will in His word.
• Firstly of all, and most important, the will of God means believing Christ (John 6:40). If we do not take this first step in doing God’s will, we will not be saved from judgment (Matt 7:21; 12:50). If we do, we will live forever (1John 2:17).
• Secondly, there are clear statements of scripture, which teach that God’s will for every Christian includes sanctification (1Thess 4:3), giving thanks to God (1Thess 5:18), doing good (1Pet 2:15), and suffering for doing the right thing (1Pet 3:17).
• Thirdly, the Bible is God’s will and must be applied to our lives (Deut 29:29). This fact involves commands to be obeyed, principles to be followed, prohibitions of things to be avoided, and living examples to be imitated or shunned. An attitude of delightful desire should fill all attempts to do God’s will (Ps 40:8). God takes great joy in those who cheerfully do His will.

Although the Bible is a complete revelation of God’s will, there are always decisions we must make that are not covered by specific statements of the scripture. In order to know God’s will in such instance, we must be in fellowship with the Lord (1John 1:6,7), seek principles from the word (1Cor 10:6), obtain advice from godly counselors (Prov 11:14; 15:22; 24:6), use common sense, and remember that God works through our own minds and desires to do His will (Phil 2:13). When none of these principles seem to work, we must simply make the best possible decision, realising that God will shut the door if it is not His will. Paul, for example, planned to go and see the Roman Christians, although not knowing if God would actually permit it in His will (Rom 15:22-32).

In most cases, however, the believer who thoroughly searches the word will find the basis for an intelligent decision. The Holy scriptures contain God’s revealed will for mankind.
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