Firms empower 20 women in gas retail business

Amid the harsh economic realities in the land, major player in the energy sector, Mezovest, in partnership with APEX, yesterday, in Lagos, empowered women, by launching a comprehensive training programme for 20 of them from diverse regions nationwide

The initiative is to equip the beneficiaries with requisite skills and resources to venture into the gas retail business, creating opportunities for economic independence and entrepreneurship.

The lucky participants were chosen based on their enthusiasm, commitment and potential to thrive in the gas retail sector.

According to Mezovest, the programme would serve several weeks and cover various aspects of the gas retail business, including safety protocols, customer service, business management and regulatory compliance.

Additionally, the participants are toreceive hands-on training, workshops, and mentorship sessions from industry experts to enhance their knowledge and confidence in operating successful gas retail ventures.

The initiative seeks to break barriers and challenge stereotypes by actively encouraging women’s participation in traditionally male-dominated industries.

Speaking about the initiative, yesterday, co-founder of Mezovest, Mr Tosin Ashafa, expressed the company’s dedication to fostering inclusivity and empowering women in the energy sector.

“What we are doing here today is not a mere gesture, but a deliberate attempt to help women like you launch and grow businesses to create wealth for your families and impact positively on society.”

Chief Executive Officer, Tosin Thompson, charged the women to be determined and resilient.

He added: “It is our mission at Mezovest to see women thrive because societies grow on the back of empowered women.”

Some of the participating women shared their gratitude for the opportunity.

Many expressed their hopes of breaking new grounds in the industry and improving their living conditions.


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