“From the Construction Site to the Main Stage: The Builders Show is Redefining Careers in Trades and Engineering”

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The construction industry has long been one of the backbones of any society, and yet, it is often overlooked in terms of recognition and appreciation. Many individuals involved in the trades, such as carpenters, electricians, and plumbers, are seen as “blue-collar workers” and not given the same respect as other professions. However, this perception is slowly changing, thanks to events such as iCreate Africa’s Builders Show powered by the Skillers Platform.

The Builders Show is a construction skills competition that is aimed at rebranding the trade profession and uplifting the profile and recognition of trades professionals in the construction industry. This year, the competition will feature teams from four African countries, including Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Togo, and Benin. The teams will compete in a series of challenges in front of a live audience for a cash prize of $10,000 and Bosch power tools. The Builders Show is not just an event; it is also being produced as a reality TV show. The event will take place from the 1st to the 3rd of April at the international conference center in Abuja, Nigeria.

“We hope to inspire a new generation of young people to pursue careers in the construction industry while addressing the skills gap that exists,” said Bright Jaja, CEO of iCreate Africa.

The Builders Show will also feature an exhibition of building materials and construction products, including the latest building technologies. This exhibition provides an excellent opportunity for industry stakeholders to showcase their products to a diverse audience of professionals and the general public.

One of the driving forces behind the Builders Show is the Skillers Platform, a digital matching platform for competent artisans in the construction industry. Skillers is designed to formalize the informal way of hiring skilled professionals for any level of construction project. The platform connects clients with skilled artisans, making it easier to find reliable and competent professionals for any level of construction project. Skillers is a powerful tool in the fight against youth unemployment in Africa, as it provides a platform for skilled professionals to showcase their abilities and connect with potential clients.

The Builders Show, powered by Skillers, is an opportunity for the construction industry to shine a spotlight on the talented trades professionals who help build our communities. By rebranding the trade profession and highlighting the skills of these individuals, iCreate Africa hopes to inspire a new generation of tradespeople and engineers. The Builders Show is sponsored by Giz, Bosch, Berger Paint, and Sterling Bank, who recognize the importance of supporting events that promote skills development and job creation.


The Organizers are calling on Developers, construction companies, and building materials manufacturers/dealers are invited to support this project by sponsoring the Builders Show or by participating in the exhibition. By doing so, they will help to promote the development of the construction industry in Africa and contribute to the growth of the continent’s economy.

For more information on the Builders Show and the Skillers Platform, visit www.buildersshow.africa and www.skillers.ng for partnership, sponsorship, or exhibition email or call info@icreateafrica.com 

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In conclusion, the upcoming Builders Show powered by Skillers is an event that promises to be both exciting and impactful. The competition will showcase the skills of trades professionals from across Africa, while the Skillers Platform will provide a platform for these skilled individuals to connect with potential clients. This event has the potential to inspire a new generation of tradespeople and engineers, and we look forward to seeing the impact it will have on the construction industry in Africa.

Recently enrolled and the beneficiaries of the previous Builders show aired their success stories since coming on board iCreate Africa.

Rita Christopher, a participant in the previous Builders show, grew up in Jos Plateau state and attended her public primary school in the same region through the government college Foron and Plateau state polytechnic. Rita graduated from the Open University but chose to change her career path to painting remarking “I have a passion for it.”


She also notes that since the show, being affiliated with Skillers has “improved my business relationship with clients”, emphasising that the Builders show has “remodelled and rebranded the role of artisans in society and further improved my technical skills.”

Preston Benson Obiukwu, another skilled gem from the Builders show is a professional tiler. Faced with academic challenges he went into tiling as a trade. He prides himself on his innate ability at the job, “naturally, I am technically good, so I was able to develop rapidly in it.”

While he thrives through his inherent strength as a Skiller he notes some concerns about the perception that generally shapes skilled and vocational jobs. “Our society has this notion that menial jobs (unskilled according to them) are basically for the “un-schooled” but Skillers is changing that narrative as well as making the society understand that our talents/creativity can be our gold mine.”

Preston Benson Obiukwu was introduced to Skillers during the build-up to the Builders show season 1 and he said that “being involved with the platform has added to my life and career as a tiler. I was made to understand how valuable my trade is to society and gained more insights into new and improved forms of client management.”

Like a diamond in the rough by adding value to their skills, these individuals leave better than they came, boosted with confidence and ready to take over the world.

Preston, who has always believed in himself and everything he does, said that “During the process with skill, I knew that I could come out on top. No jokes, No hype, I’m very good at this trade. I was brought up by world-standard professionals, and I made sure to prove to them and myself that so it will come out on top.”

He describes Skillers as a bridge between the client and the job. Expressing that being part of Skillers has “exposed me more to the field as well as provided more job opportunities for me. I am no longer seen or treated as just the usual “menial tiler” but a skilled professional in tiling.”


However, Preston has been able to deal with all these serving quality services to his client “Not minding the challenges am sure one can do better if these bottlenecks are properly being taken care of.

For Preston, he encourages every skilled artisan out there to join Skillers because “it gives us the opportunity to showcase our talents, improve our work relationships, exposure, etc. The benefits are just enormous.”

Biyai Ezekiel Tongshep is able to see the nexus between his educational background and where he is today. ” I’ll say, it’s in line with it, in higher institution, I studied Electrical Electronic Engineering, though there are other things I could easily opt for, considering what I studied, I chose to be an Electrician, my passion for my Job knows no bounds.”

As a young boy, Biyai “for the love of light” played with batteries and those old-fashioned torchlight bulbs, using wires to connect them, attaching them to a switch where you can turn them on and off.

“My passion grew so much that I saw the need to make a profession out of it. Making it happen was not easy,  until I met a friend while in school, by name Isaac, his wealth of knowledge was vast, and he became the ladder through which my journey started.”

Pointing out the obvious like others, Biyai also notes that “Skillers is helping in redefining the term “menial job” in the sense that, it is helping in giving it credence by structuring the approach to which clients engage workmen, by standing as a middle man, and by extension workmen are seen in that light. 


It also helps in training skilled workmen on various work ethics, dos and don’t, and general approach to work; all these in turn gives workmen the needed boost to work ease, with not just the requisite knowledge of the work alone but human relations as well.”

A walk down memory lane Biyai’s journey with Skillers started when a former colleague armed with impeccable electrical knowledge of the job introduced him to it. “He realised it was me and all it entailed, and instantly, I saw the need for why I should be part of this great platform.”

Reflecting on the journey so far Biyai said, “It has been great, especially with the wealth of knowledge I’ve been impacted with coupled with the competition of which I came out top, it’s been God all the way. I’m in a place right now in my career where I will say, before Skillers, it hasn’t been easy, but now, I’m progressing to a destination that is enviable. 

Being better has always been Biyai’s driving will, “I believe so much in my abilities without seemingly thinking someone else’s to be less. I had no idea if I was going to come out on top, all I did was give my all, and it paid off. It wasn’t just me alone, it was a teamwork between myself and the student attached to me by the name of Ekene, he was instrumental in our success as well.”

On a different view of challenges faced, Biyai has to deal mostly with human relations but with a changed approach, he is doing just fine as it’s been yielding results.

With an admiring tone he appreciates the help of Skillers to him as an electrician, “and that is how I see myself; intrinsically the way I see myself is what I try to portray for others to see.”


Austine Ominraya a graduate of a technical college has attended several skill acquisition functions helping his self-development into a professional carpenter. His passion was a big blueprint and “zeal to set professional high standards in every aspect of my work”. 

With a burning desire to showcase his beautiful handwork to society, and the opportunities that are associated with it, Skillers has remodelled his life and career. Austine was certain that he would come out with flying colours “because once you are dedicated and disciplined, you are bound to excel and succeed”.

Through Skillers platform these contestants are left with an improved sense of trust and confidence with clients. 

Influence And Recommendation Of Skillers

Largely, the new faces of influencers all agree on one thing that resonates the most with them, and it is that Skillers is redefining menial jobs because it has given most artisans the platform to present their skills to society at large. 

Rita’s journey so far with Skiller has been successful, “it has helped my network base and confidence. I can say I’m way more driven and competitive to be at the top of my field.

I put in my best and I am positive that the Skillers building show has uplifted and improved my level of professionalism within the painting industry. 

For recommendations, Biyai offers his recommendation to other workmen to join Skillers because “it’s a platform that has a unique approach to our kind of job, it gives you a sense of security and assurance that you are in a safe hand, and this, you can hardly find anywhere else in this Nation.” Adding to that, Austin Ominraya encouraged artisans to join Skillers, noting that the doors to new opportunities to showcase their talents to society are provided through the digital platform. 

The only requirement to be part of Skillers revolutionising the trade and building space is to be keen on learning and be receptive to doing things differently and that is the first flight to being on the Skillers platform. And from the CEO himself, believes the only thing you need to be part of the Skillers is “Just be Alive”.


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