Glo explains why it re-launched website

SECOND national operator, Globacom, has explained that its desire to offer more value to its subscribers informed the reason why it relaunched its website and online campaign. 

Information on the various products, services and activities of Africa’s fastest growing telecoms operator, Globacom, can now be easily accessed on the company’s website, which re-launched recently.

The re-launched website comes with trendy features and offers browsing pleasure with interactive platforms for visitors and Glo-Mobile subscribers, who may need to seek business solutions for their mobile lines.

According to the Group Executive Director of Globacom, Mr. Paddy Adenuga, the phased upgrading of the website will be concluded by the third quarter of the year. He said the decision to upgrade the site is in line with the company’s commitment to continuously explore ways to offer more value to subscribers.

The objective, he stated, is to grow an interactive and viral content hub, which will cater to the needs of all potential customers and visitors. “We hope to increase the awareness for the Glo brand, grow and sustain our client base through the website,” he affirmed. Towards achieving this objective and others, Adenuga said Globacom has put in place a state-of-the-art hosting platform for website to ensure availability and up-time, resulting in a highly responsive and fast website experience for all traffic.

“Technology holds the key to modern business and the web is the platform for effective communication of products and services. We are thus developing a new site that offers an exciting browsing experience. It has been redesigned in such a way that it is fast and easy to surf. Our customers can do a whole lot more on the site and have fun while doing that. There are many great and amazing features waiting at the click of the mouse when they visit the site,” Adenuga explained.

The new site enables customers to compare the products and services on offer and choose the right package for their needs. It also provides feeds on the company’s offerings in the area of commercial promotions, events and sponsorships.

“Through the re-launched website, visitors, especially Glo-Mobile subscribers are provided enhanced access to the Customer Care Department, information about job vacancies and also follow Glo events and shows on Facebook”, the Globacom ED stated.

Glo is the only GSM provider with a Facebook fan page in Nigeria, which can be accessed from the Glo website or through Facebook directly. The website has personalised and interactive features with online campaign and email services to stay in touch with our customers. The group executive director added that subscribers can also download pictures, profiles and biographies of their favourite Nigerian music stars and Nollywood actors and actresses, who are Glo ambassadors.

In the first phase of the project, the site offers, amongst other features, multimedia downloads through YouTube, interaction with the Glo brand on Facebook, contact email for all Gloworld shops, easy self-help tips and customer enquiry forms.

Phase two of the upgrade, which will be concluded by the 2nd quarter of the year, will enable the site to offer airtime sales, Online Customer Support via live chat (one to one), country and language selector and WAP.

The final phase to be concluded by the third quarter will offer Consumer Relationship Marketing (CRM) implementation, e-commerce portal and online billing and bills payment option.

