‘God saved me from fatal accident, poisoned leg and other health complications’

Chosen mothers dedicating their new born babies at one of the church’s events held at the headquarters of The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries in Ijesha, Lagos

Sister Favour Francise is from Abia State. She became a member of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries in 2004, and also, grateful to God for making her a member of the church. In her testimony, She said she had a fatal accident on September 30, 2022 and almost all the passengers in the vehicle died. According to Sister Francise, she only received minor injury, and after the treatment, she became normal. P-r-a-i-s-e, the Lord!

She added that she became sick after their women’s programme titled: “Woman Thou Hast Found Favour With God,” but didn’t know that she was pregnant for three months. She assumed all was well, until she went to the hospital where she was admitted. According to her, the doctor told her that her case was complicated and was given injection, but instead of her leg to deflect, it continued to swell. The doctor thought it was diabetes.

As a result of this, she said she spent one week in the hospital without improvement. Eventually, she was discharged on recommendation and went to a dispensary store where the owner of the store discovered that her situation was not a medical case, but an issue that could be treated with herbs because it was a poison. As at this time, Sister Francise said the leg has gone so bad that if not for God’s intervention, it would not have been redeemed again. She said she took photographs of the leg and posted it to her brethren’s Whatsaap Group where both State Pastors, and the brethren prayed seriously for her.

She said her case became so terrible that her blood pressure and sugar level shot up to over 400, at this point, she was already having signs of stroke. She could not walk normally again, so she started crawling from her bed to the chair and could not do most things on her own any longer, but looked upon her family members and the brethren for help.

According to her, she was in this condition for complete two months. To the glory of God, divine help came and, today, she is healed. She is thanking the God of Chosen for healing her. P-r-a-i-s-e, the Lord!

She said God perfected everything when she came to the programme with the theme: “Only God Can Do This.” She said that as soon as she stepped into the Chosen ground at the headquarters church in Ijesha, Lagos, she received her complete healing. P-r-a-i-s-e, the Lord!

In conclusion, she prayed to God to help the General Overseer to fulfill his ministry and make heaven with all the Chosen members across the world in Jesus’ name…amen!


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