God’s judgment on false preachers, prophets

Obviously, the judgment of God hangs on false prophets and preachers who were not called by God, but who go about deceiving innocent people. Many preachers have assumed titles they were not divinely given by God. This is sad and patently regrettable!

Ministerial calling is spiritual and not for everybody in the church. In fact, it is scripturally wrong for a minister to assume that everybody must be a preacher on the pulpit or that his son can inherit his calling and ministry after his demise. Such preachers have turned the church of God into family business. It is also a misconception to anoint or ordain people pastors and prophets, among others, when God has not specifically called them. It is God that calls people to ministry not man. No man has the oil and power to call any man as a preacher.

The trend in today’s church is such that everybody in the church is a potential pastor and prophets and can be called by his leader and made a minister of God anytime. Everybody is called to preach the gospel, but not everyone is called to the pulpit. The scripture is so explicit about the call of God. In Ephesians 4:11, it was God Who calls and gives various ministerial offices to people and not man.

During the early church, such titles were revered and never used as a cosmetic appellation. Even the early disciples preferred to be called ‘brothers’ than hanging around themselves titles they were never conferred with by God. Unfortunately, the reverse is the case in our contemporary Christian world. Leaders have turned themselves into Holy Ghost, as they carry jars of Olive oil about anointing people and giving them titles. This practice is unbiblical and carnal. It has reduced the potency of God’s power in the church.

Peter made a blunder in his early ministry by choosing qualified person, but not called by God to replace Judas, who betrayed Jesus Christ. Surprisingly, they started the process of selection with prayer and ended it by casting of lots. This practice clearly shows absence of God in the selection, but purely man’s initiative. Matthias was finally selected to fill the vacuum created by the exit of Judas. But the fact is that God actually appointed and filled that vacuum Himself in the person of Apostle Paul. Matthias’ name was obviously missing in the annals of apostolic ministry. His name was only mentioned once in the book of Ephesians, long after his selection. No one can clearly point out what Matthias did in his days among the disciples!

False prophets, who are not called to the office of a prophet, have destroyed lives and homes with their false prophecies that never come to pass. They are hirelings who go about deceiving people. It should be noted that dreams, revelations and visions do not qualify anyone to be a prophet. That someone dreams or sees vision does not automatically make him a prophet, as claimed today. The judgment of God awaits false prophets who say ‘thus says the Lord,’ when God has not spoken (Jer. 23:27:30). No false prophet can escape the wrath of God this New Year, because souls have been deceived and sent to hell unprepared through the falsehood of these prophets.

People should be wary of miracles, signs and wonders. Most of these preachers and prophets who perform miracles are not from God, but are agents of Satan.

Their ‘magical wonders’ are not from God! They are enemies of Calvary and cannot escape the divine judgment of God.
The sword of God is stretched forth and cannot be withdrawn, until false prophets are utterly annihilated from the land.

To lovers of God, do not patronise them this year. Refuse their Olive oil and so- called holy water. Their judgment is fast approaching, except they repent and make necessary restitutions to the congregations and people they have deceived with their soothsaying; otherwise, their time is up!

• For further reading: Eph. 4:11; Luke 24:49; Acts 1:12, 14; 2:4,37-41; 13:1-3; John 16:7, 12-15;Acts 1:21-26; 9: 15;Philipians 2:21; 3:18-19; Jer. 25:8; 28; 30:23-24; 15: 2-3;23:27-30; Psalm 109:9-15; Nahum 1:2.
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