How Nigerians are politically trapped

NigeriaSIR: It is curious that even though President Goodluck Jonathan could not tackle Boko Haram in about four years, he is now promising to break Boko Haram’s backbone in less than six weeks, even when Orunmila has said GEJ would not conquer Boko Haram, militarily. GEJ’s strategy is to provoke Boko Haram and worsen the situation for Nigeria. I swear to Almighty God that I was planning on how to appease Boko Haram, to, in Allah’s name, allow Nigeria to hold the elections. Otherwise, let’s wait to see how GEJ would subdue Boko Haram in six weeks, to the extent that northeast states can vote in peace and tranquility.

I see GEJ envisaging a situation in which, at the end of the day, Nigerians will see for themselves that election is impossible under threat of suicide bombing. That may then necessitate the interim government that has been canvassed by some of his supporters, including Pastor Tunde Bakare. He would then push for someone sympathetic towards himself to lead the interim government, just as General Ibrahim Babangida did in 1993 when he chose Ernest Shonekan.

Nigeria’s political indiscipline and disorientation which played out in the truncation of rotational presidency in 2011 is now taking its full toll. Sadly, APC leaders were also saying that rotational presidency is undemocratic and unconstitutional.

Yet, federal character policy is constitutional! Up until now, APC has not told Nigerians how it will stabilise the nation, politically. All I hear are promises of ending insecurity/corruption and providing employment.

Has the party outlined how it will stabilise Nigeria’s electricity, or it will just be creating jobs rather than creating enabling environment? What is the difference between APC and Tinubu Governors who targeted roads where houses had to be demolished and not unmotorable roads? Cries of unpaid workers are still the lot of their workers, including those whose family houses have been demolished.

APC should not sweep all of that under carpet and be canvassing for votes. Concurrently, Nigeria must wriggle herself out of GEJ’s cage!

• Pius Abioje, University of Ilorin.



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