Humanity before eternity

Sir: Among the strongest beliefs that have worked themselves perfectly into the human psyche is that of eternity or paradise, a place said to be the final abode of those who live their lives as piously as they can thereby deserving of such eternal bliss and perpetuity as their reward.

In order to be counted worthy, almost everyone tries to associate with one religion or another and also to put in as much effort so that they can be seen as truly devoted and heaven bound.

The stage for competition and rivalry among adherents of different faiths was set as some began to claim superiority over the others. And depending on how convincing and rational some of the arguments put forward by some sects are, it is common to see people formerly belonging to one faith getting converted to another all still in the same bid to seek the face of God more clearly and closely in order to wear the ultimate crown in the end.

However, in his quest to make heaven, there are many pertinent questions that man avoids continually in the usual argument that issues of faith and religion are spiritual and therefore beyond what rational thinking can explain or solve. Among such questions is the fact that if heaven truly exists, who would be the inhabitants since it will be extremely doubtful if any man can make it the reason being that no man is ever adjudged as perfect and the main requirement for heaven is perfection.

To get around such problem of human imperfections, some religious group argue that someone has died for them, taken away all condemnation and nothing will hinder them any further as they already have the direct link and passport to heaven! Even if such claim is true, how justified such arrangement would be whereby some people are given undue advantage over the others into a place where perfection is the main criteria still raises a big question.

The need to question the truism about most religious beliefs has always been considered as sacrilege, and therefore, religious doctrines are accepted hook, line and sinker by whoever chooses to since they are merely passed from generation to generation without anyone raising any eyebrows. Everyone falls into line like robots, confessing and declaring whatever they have been taught over a period of time as if they are prime witnesses to their reality.

Quite sadly though that as man gets tenaciously attached to his controversial religious beliefs, he forsakes the very essence of living which is humanity. Everyone longs for the unseen heaven while turning blind eye to the realistic earth. People find hungry souls all around them but prefer to restrict their piety within their worship places where their members can see their activities and declare them as good. They see utterly poor children and their parents all around them but rather carry food items to orphanages where pictures are taken and uploaded on social media in order to appear as full of acts of charity.

There are so many people in the various hospitals both public and private unable to pay their bills, yet there are those who spend billions in their worship centres just to make an impression and be recognised as main pillars and live wires. There are so many brilliant students in public schools who fall by the wayside every year due to the poverty of their parents, yet no volunteers to offer scholarship to such students so they can attain their greatest potential and be useful to their society in the long run. Why has it always been difficult for man to put humanity first before eternity by getting deeply involved in general social services to all the needy around him so that even if eternity eventually becomes a reality, he will still be found worthy?

All of the revered leaders of most religions were famous because of the impact they made through their humane activities and acts of charity. For instance, Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) had so many followers because of his sterling qualities which stood him out among the rest so much so that all his followers were ready to lay down their lives in pursuing his course. Jesus Christ of the Christian faith also not only associated with the downtrodden masses but even went as far as feeding them. How then did the world arrive at the current situation of “Everyone to himself, God for us all” where no one cares for the other? How come everyone acts as if others do not matter and man treats one another quite shabbily? How realistic can heaven be when almost everyone has abandoned his role to his fellowmen? Indeed, is it not logical and reasonable for anyone desirous of making heaven to be realistic enough to put humanity first?

Jide Oyewusi is the coordinator of Ethics Watch International, Lagos.


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