I have a burning desire to help Nigerian youths fulfill their potential – Prophet Olu-Alo

Prophet Sam Olu-Alo is an Ekiti-born entrepreneur and philanthropist who is the Planter of CAC Adamimogo Grace and Mercy Prayer Mountain Worldwide who was recently elevated by the Leadership of the Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Worldwide to the position of Zonal Superintendent, Grace and Mercy Zone, Essien Region, Nigeria and Overseas.

Olu-Alo also owns a football club named Adanimogo FC, several broadcast radio stations across the country, and other projects including in agriculture. The impact of his ministry is visible in many countries abroad and in Nigeria.

In this interview, Olu-Alo spoke about his dreams for the Nigerian youths, being a philanthropist, cleric, and drive behind investments in sports and broadcast media.

What inspired you to set up a radio station in your hometown?
Firstly, I know loads of Nigeria, youths are suffering and the government alone cannot carry it. Government have a whole lots of responsibilities but individuals also have their own civic responsibilities. And I know those things my home town lacks. This thing I am doing if had people encouraging me, may be I would have been a successful much more earlier than now. But I have promised that everything in terms of opportunities that God gives me in life, I will use them to serve the youths because at a time in this town I joined bad gang because

What is your motivation towards youth-centred investment and programmes?
I have no place to go. When I left this town with tears in my eyes, I have been telling God that as he is having mercy on me, I will be useful to all youths in and all over the world. If you look at the category of people employed in this radio station, you will see that quite a number of families will be impacted. This is how it is in Lagos and Ibadan stations. So, I know that my life has in way or the other affected the lives of people positively which they will never forget.

In addition to this , the station brought glory to this town which will also boost the economy of this town as many indigenes of Ido Ekiti were engaged in the construction of the station and materials were purchased from the town too. It also brought joy to Ekiti state with some people employed. It is a glory to Ekiti state, a source of livelihood to the youths.

Furthermore, it is for the discovery of the talents who were hitherto unknown where they were before now. This will make people to know that there are stars yet to be discovered in our society.

How do you think more Nigerians can benefit from the huge resources God has given to this country?
I have been saying this and I will continue to say it. Most of the rich people can’t spend their money because there is a difference between a hero and the rich person. People like Obafemi Awolowo, the lagacies they laid are the ones people are building on today. They are copying them but their lifestyle is not speaking about the lives lives by the heroes like Awolowo. That is why those things established by them are the ones we can point to today. Look at the universities they established during their time, it never crack or collapsed up till now. A heroes does that speak after them. A rich man can keep his money and spend it alone and he will never assist anyone, it will be only him and his family. I am no longer interested in speaking to the rich in the country but those who are ready to impact lives because most rich people in Nigeria have failed the the country.

We still have a lot of money hanging abroad, it is humongous, such that if they are used to establish industries in the country, we shall be relieved but the thirst of our heroes made their lives impactful. They always have the interest of their towns at heart. The likes of Awolowo, Omoboriowo, the secretary of the old southwest Nigeria, the likes Pa Omokhodiede, I was at his hometown in Sabongidaora. I saw what they did there . They never said it was a village, that is what we call heros. A hero never see their community as a wilderness, they see it as a place they must remember at all times forever. We pray for our wealthy and rich people in Nigeria to always remember the day they will die so that they will know why it is necessary for them to use money they are keeping for the benefit of our youths and the country because the money can’t safe them at death.

What other youth-friendly projects are you looking forward to?
Some industries I want to establish in Ekiti state if they will allow it to come to fruition are targetted at assisting our youths. If you can recall, about two weeks ago, a not for profit hospital, with best of equipments from the abroad, is to be established in Irete in Ogun state. The traditional ruler gave me an expanse of land for its establishment and it has been launches for the youths to be working there.

In Ekiti state here, I want to establish farma in large scale just like we have it in Malaysia. While in Malaysia, I was weeping when I heard that, it was in Nigeria they got the seedlings of palm trees. I saw that it was that agriculture, particularly the palm tree farming they prioritise.

I also, went to other countries where I saw how they invested heavily in pig and piggery business.

I want to have both piggery and palm trees that will cover 300 hectares in three different towns or villages. And if a town in the state can donate the entire 300 hectares it will be welcome.

It is going to be a state of the art establishment and the the produces from the farms we would be exporting abroad. It is not for my profit but for the unemployed youths to be engaged .

Can you explain how the farm will look like?
It is going to be a mechanized farming. It was in Israel that I received the challenge . Their population is just about 10 percent of the total population of Nigeria. They told us when I went their few years ago and they said they can conveniently feed Nigeria for 7 years, I was not happy about this because the country is located in the rock but Nigeria is a country flowing with milk and honey wnd we can’t feed ourselves . And I knew in the past, it was not only crude oil that will relied on, we also have cocoa. In this town we use to have market for rice , okro, yam , even maize, I wish to revive all of that in a unique manner.

What efforts are you putting in place to secure enough land for the project?
I have told our traditional rulers about it and we have the feelers that they are embracing it and the government are interested in the initiative.

I also have a football club to assist the youth. Some of the players have travelled abroad their goofball career, I never collect a dime from them but discovered their talents for them to be somebody. I am not interested in the money they will come and give.

What are the other avenues you have identified to assist Nigerian youths?
Some industries I want to establish in Ekiti state if they will allow it to come to fruition are targetted at assisting our youths. If you can recall, about two weeks ago, a not for profit hospital, with best of equipments from the abroad, is to be established in Irete in Ogun state. The traditional ruler gave me an expanse of land for its establishment and it has been launches for the youths to be working there.

In Ekiti state here, I want to establish farma in large scale just like we have it in Malaysia. While in Malaysia, I was weeping when I heard that, it was in Nigeria they got the seedlings of palm trees. I saw that it was that agriculture, particularly the palm tree farming they prioritise.

I also, went to other countries where I saw how they invested heavily in pig and piggery business.

I want to have both piggery and palm trees that will cover 300 hectares in three different towns or villages. And if a town in the state can donate the entire 300 hectares it will be welcome.

It is going to be a state of the art establishment and the the produces from the farms we would be exporting abroad. It is not for my profit but for the unemployed youths to be engaged.

It is going to be a mechanized farming. It was in Israel that I received the challenge . Their population is just about 10 percent of the total population of Nigeria. They told us when I went their few years ago and they said they can conveniently feed Nigeria for 7 years, I was not happy about this because the country is located in the rock but Nigeria is a country flowing with milk and honey wnd we can’t feed ourselves . And I knew in the past, it was not only crude oil that will relied on, we also have cocoa. In this town we use to have market for rice, okro, yam , even maize, I wish to revive all of that in a unique manner.

I have told our traditional rulers about it and we have the feelers that they are embracing it and the government are interested in the initiative.

I also have a football club to assist the youth. Some of the players have travelled abroad their football career. I never collect a dime from them but discovered their talents for them to be somebody. I am not interested in the money they will come and give me.



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