If i were the religious bodies -Pan-Africanism

Sir: The advantages of religious expeditions in Africa as utilized by the Western civilisation under the imperialism coloration is visible. On the other hand, the insidious damage that alien religious practices wreck on the native land of Africa, especially in Nigeria is appalling. The latter demerits far outweigh and surpass whatever accruing merits earlier stipulated. And then this is a battle of the mind of the people that manifests in their docile disposition that has hitherto kept them smug in their economic, social, and political doldrums.

The capture of Africa as the undue colony of the West (except Ethiopia, etc) courtesy of The Berlin Conference (1884-1885) and propounded by Otto von Bismarck’s first German Chancellor, is not limited to economic and political trajectories but religious enslavement in particular. Perhaps, as a better alternative proffered by Marxism when he made the constructive statement that “religion is the opium of the people.” Indeed this truism is holding Nigeria’s populace and
even the bewildered and bamboozled political elites to the jugular.

In the name of Pan-Africanism, a lone but loud voice hereby is heard making the clarion call “If I Were The Religious Bodies,” I would appropriate or leverage the acclaimed esoteric knowledge prowess to translate scientific and technological principles, formulas, and curriculum to our native languages. Kudos to the young man from South Eastern Nigeria who has successfully translated the physics textbook into the Igbo language, recently. If the exporters of the Cross and the Crescent religious missions to Nigeria refused adamantly to replicate this evangelical expedition on economic and socioeconomic dimensions, would we also deprive ourselves of such fundamental responsibility? What a diabolic and hypocritical demonstration to insist on proselytizing the African populace with religious dogmas and fallacies but withholding the true and defining discovery and knowledge base innovation sufficient to sustain a people without external support whatsoever. The Bible and the Koran are excellent literature classics that will continue to amaze their students due to their infallibility qualities and agelong and sacred precepts. This notwithstanding, it did not originate locally among us. It remains someone else’s fabrication that looks accurate and appealing but refuses to acknowledge my unique characteristics and God-given and accredited life essentials and values.

There are serious contradictions and conflicts when attempts are made to juxtapose foreign cultures with different native perspectives, patterns, and principles. You dare not foist one on another under whatever disguise. Commotion and friction are bound to trigger. In no time, the misfit or admixture will instigate implosion, especially when the expression of dissenting voices is suppressed and subdued.

In drawing the curtain close here, the improvement, innovation, and advancement of our people’s essential demands can be achieved, not by jettisoning in its entirety the religious phenomenon. But by bringing to bear their creativity capabilities for the betterment of our current existence and harnessing innate human competence that we all carry within us as individuals. So help us, God.
• Steve Obum Orajiaku can be reached via 08035530832


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