Imperative of uncommon leadership in Nigeria’s 10th Senate (2)

Senator Godswill Akpabio PHOTO:Twitter

Senator Godswill Akpabio is synonymous with excellent performance. He has built a rock solid reputation of “uncommon transformation” in his excellent call of duty as Governor & Minister. He is certain to deliver on his promises and Partner with the Executive arm of Government, under the Visionary Leadership of the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

A Harmonious engagement between The Executive and Legislature will usher Nigeria into a developmental trajectory that will Positively impact upon the Citizenry across party lines, winning the hearts and minds of the people.  Senator Godswill Akpabio Personifies performance and he will surely bring to bear, his strong executive and legislative experience, when given the opportunity to preside over the 10th Senate this time around.

Not only has he acquired enough legislative experience, he is the only returning ranking Senator from the South-South under the APC. The Cap surely fits, Senator Godswill Obot Akpabio should wear it.

The 10th Senate we believe, will chart a path that does away with the “rubber-stamp” public perception that plagued the 9th Senate.  We envisage a vibrant, engaging and Performative 10th Senate, that will serve the interest of the people excellently. Certainly a result-driven Senate must be built upon a clear mandate of excellent Service delivery.

It must have a clear understanding of the expectations of the people of Nigeria and help to engage the executive arm of government to be alive to its core responsibility of producing real and robust measurable democracy dividends.

The 10th Senate which Senator Godswill Akpabio is likely to preside over is a novel entity with a pot-pourri of different shades of opinions and ideologies enshrined in the vision of the four dominant parties viz: APC, PDP, LP and NNPP. GOA, has through the years built a network of strategic influence across board.

While he was Governor, he had a robust Christian & Muslim Pilgrimage programme that endeared him to both major faiths. He helped rebuild burnt and damaged Mosques and Churches in Northern Nigeria at the peak of insurgency. He is also known to have built and furnished the largest Students Hostel at Federal Polytechnic Kazaure.

His savvy ability to navigate diverse views and political ideologies will come in very handy in the 10th Senate.  His aura of convivial camaraderie is largely acknowledged as one of his strongest points. His deep understanding of the Nigerian Condition, and the essential transformation that is needed to re-engineer our Country, is well identified by the number of Leaders who are presently rooting for him to become the Senate President.

It is a widely agreed fact that with Akpabio as Senate President, The Executive arm of Government will be greatly complimented. Ramping up the initiatives and programmes of the President Elect, to deliver democratic dividends to the great people of Nigeria, without confrontation. A mutually beneficial relationship that accords measured respect is necessary to drive the wheel of progress and not one that sees the other as superior or inferior.

Senator Akpabio’s problem solving skills are very highly evolved. He fully understands the internal dynamics of the Nigerian state. He deeply understands the expectations of the people, especially at a time that the incoming government will be inherit a lot of the odious excess luggage of the present administration.
Of necessity, both the Legislature and the Executive, must re-engineer, re-envision and optimize all processes towards getting full value for money.

The necessary teamwork between the Executive and Legislature must come up with a more result–oriented approach to confronting the myriad challenges of governance that have plagued Nigeria.

The Buhari regime did not do enough to set the country on the path of national cohesion and Growth. Ergo general mistrust, leading to the country being heavily polarised along ethnic and religious divides.

A novel ethos of cogitation and reasoning must be ignited so as to amplify efforts at building national cohesion and respond to agitations in a more reassuring way in the true spirit of inclusivity.

Nigeria truly needs constructive dialogue and deep conversations to entrench our democracy.
We must re-imagine new templates that will help us address the numerous challenges we face.

Senator Godswill Akpabio and the National Assembly leadership must take into account all the myriad challenges of Nigeria with a view  to provoke a robust and engaging National Assembly whose purpose will be to  assist the Executive  sponsor bills that will have deeply resonating positive impact on the Nigerian citizenry.

Knowing Akpabio, he will re-enact his Excellent achievements in Akwa Ibom State that earned him the unique title “uncommon Transformation” Governor.

Nigeria yearns for the emergent manifestation of Senator Godswill Obot Akpabio as the Senate President of the 10th Senate.


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