It is your duty to fear, honour God

Worshippers AT Mgbidi 2021

There is an English adage that says we should give honour and respect to whom they are due. In this regard, our earthly parents, elders both in the church and the secular deserve our honour and respect at all times because of the authority they hold in our lives. But the personality that should be accorded with the highest honour, fear and reverence is the Almighty God because He is the creator and life giver. He holds the key of life and death. God has the power to take the life of any man and also to restore it if the person dies without His permission. Man should therefore fear, honour and reverence God. This is why the Bible in Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, says: “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. (14) For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”

It is rather unfortunate that men do not fear and honour God, rather they are afraid of their fellow men who are either armed robbers or ritual killers, witch doctors, soldiers or even policemen because such people are capable of harming them physically. People even fear wild and dangerous animals, diseases and pestilences because of the fear of death, forgetting that all these have power only over the body, but God has the power to destroy the flesh or throw the soul into everlasting hell fire as a punishment. It is as a result of lack of fear and honour to our Maker that made the Almighty God to lament in Malachi 1:6, asking, A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? … Wherein have we polluted thee? In that ye say, The table of the Lord is contemptible.

Going down memory, it is important to recall that God rejected Cain’s sacrifice because he offered spoilt farm produce to God. People giving unworthy offerings during congregational worships should bear in mind their offerings are likely to be rejected. King David said he would not give God what does not cost him anything. Your offer to God must create a gap in your pocket to be acceptable to glorify God.

Keeping to the commandments and instructions from God as contained in the Bible is part of fearing and honouring God. We should abide by the words of God even when it may be painful to do so. The Bible says in Psalm 111:10: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever. Wise people know the best strategy to acquire what they need is by fearing and hnouring God through complete obedience to his words. The duty of every man under the earth is to fear and honour God and in return, God provides protection and blessing. Take time to study the Bible and know his expectations from you. Abide by them to the last letter, it is by so doing you will have a good success.

Note, for God to accept your honour, you must have an intimate relationship with Him and that calls that you must be born-again. You must turn away from sin and embrace Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour, thus you will be qualified to make heaven at last. May God bless you as you do so.

Another Witch Doctor Surrenders
To God Of Chosen
MY name is Sopuruchukwu John, I am from Obingwa in itiukpa, Ogboro Ikoro local council. I used to be a witch doctor, but now I am a Chosen. I want to let people know that I am a testimony. I plead with you; if you love God, follow him. I have seen and worked with devil. Although, I have not for one day robbed with gun, but talking about witchcraft or occultism among others, I know them very well.

On the second week of January, this year, I had a revelation. I saw heaven open and I saw angels of God. They were bowing down to God and saying Holy, Holy is the Lord God. Each one bowed and went. I was watching what was happening when suddenly I saw a white bird flew from the centre of heaven where the angels were bowing, and came towards me. As the bird was coming, it was saying ‘The Lord’s Chosen’ the Lord’s Chosen – Lazarus Muoka.’ Then, I woke up. It was exactly 6.00 a.m. This revelation took place at Umuobasi, Nnenta Aba. If you get to Bonsack or Nkwongwa, tell any Okada rider you want to go to Ijeofor and you will be brought to my house.

When I woke up from that revelation, I was wondering, what link have I with The Lord’s Chosen? I concluded, I would go and tell the church (the Lord’s Chosen) the revelation I had about them, but I would not be part of them. That was what I decided to do, but the devil made me to always forget doing this; one problem or the other would come and I would forget.

In fact, the devil made it in such a way that whenever I plan to follow any road where Chosen branch is, I would turn away from the road, all in a bid for me not to disclose my revelation. I began to be afraid of Chosen and anybody wearing their apron.

NOTE: The apron is more than what you think. When you wear apron. God does not see you, but sees the apron and protects you.

At this juncture, I ask God to forgive me of my atrocities and of the charms I bury to harm people. I also asked God to forgive me of the charm I did for one politician, which I considered my last work as a witch doctor.

I went to Ogbaru International market. I pretended to be a mad man and cancelled the contract someone wanted to collect from one of my client, a politician. I did some things and after two days the contract was cancelled, the contractor’s money was returned to him, and my client took over the contract. This was one of the things I was doing, but now I have accepted Jesus Christ and thereby, remove my hands from all evils. I am now for Christ. I am a Chosen.

I never had the intention of giving this testimony, today, July 19, 2015, but miraculously it happened. It all started when I meant Chosen members sharing flyers about a crusade to come. I was given a flyer, but I asked myself ‘what am I going to do with it when each time I collect it I do not read it? But on this particular day, I came out early to embark on my Keke business (commercial tricycle rider) when I met three Chosen members, include a pastor, making four. They charted me to The Lord’s Chosen crusade. I initially agreed to stop them at Osisioma, but they insisted I take them to the campground, but because of the money I obeyed. Half way to the camp, I began to blame myself for agreeing to their wishes. However, along the way they began to share testimonies of what God is doing in the Church; it was while listening to them that the revelation I had earlier in January about Chosen came back to me. I shouted and I disclosed the revelation to them. They encouraged me to come to the church and share it. I obeyed because I do not know if it was my refusal to share that was the cause of the numerous problems I was then having.. That was what brought me to Chosen.

I just wanted to come, say what I saw in the revelation and go my way, when the Holy Spirit arrested me. After the testimony, I now feel free inside. I will follow Jesus Christ. Praise God!

I also use this medium to call on people, especially those seeking for miracle, to be mindful of some of the ministries in Aba. This is because I do give their Pastors charms to operate. They do come to my house at Umuobasi to get charms for the miracles they claim to perform. Moreover, when you get to their churches, you will see flowers; we have ordinary flowers and extra-ordinary ones. The demonic angels they operate with inhabit in the flowers in their altar. During service, the demonic angels will possess these flowers and once this happens, anything you request from the altar will be granted.

I know I will be attacked after this confession, but I am not afraid because it is better I confess, then go home and die and go to heaven. While in the evil business, I was given different vehicles including, RAV4, Jeep, Charisma and V-Boot by my clients. In fact, I was a big boy. But one day, a Bishop of a church converted me to Christ. I had to destroy my shrine and charms and even gave out all those cars because they were proceeds from evil business.

Please wherever you are, be strong in prayer. I was initiated into black witchcraft in the astral world. We moved at night inform of pussycats and through this medium we hurt and kill people. But today, I surrender my life to Christ, every evil I did in the past, I repent of them. I ask God for forgiveness. May God have mercy on me.


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