LEMU tasks Muslims on preparation for life after death

Member, Board of Trustees, Lekki Muslim Ummah (LEMU), Alhaji Olalekan Saliu (left); Chief Imam, Lekki Central Mosque, Sheikh Ridwan Jamiu; Chief Imam, VGC mosque, Imam Sulaiman Fulani; Chairman of the occasion, Alhaji Nasir Muhammad; President, LEMU, Alhaji AbdulGaniy Labinjo; former President (LEMU), Dr Kamoru Omotosho and MD/CEO, Med-View Airline, Alhaji Muneer Bankole, during the LEMU Ramadan Da’wah Workshop.
As Islam encourages preparation for death, Lekki Muslim Ummah (LEMU), has urged Muslims to prepare for the hereafter, as Duniya is a temporary abode.

At LEMU quarterly Da’wah programme, themed, ‘Every soul shall test death’, the President of LEMU, Alhaji Kamoru Omotosho, urged Nigerian leaders to be conscious of the day of judgment when they will give account of their deeds and actions.

He advised political holders to discharge their duties and responsibilities with the fear of God and the certainty that the day of reckoning would come.

“Death is a reality and if we are mindful of it, every day, society and the entire world will be better. Death is final and certain. Our leaders seem to forget that no one lives forever, so, they abuse offices,” he stated.

The Chief Imam of Lekki Central Mosque, Imam Ridwan Jamiu said whoever attains the age of 40 should remain upright afterwards, adding that people who reach the age of 60 should prepare themselves for the hereafter.

“The Prophet (SAW) prophesied that his people’s life expectancy is between 60 and 70 except for a few. He lived for 63 years himself, which is equivalent to 60 years of the Gregorian calendar. So, once anyone attains the age of 60, they should be very upright and admit that the end is near.

“The age of 40 is also very significant. It is for maturation as Allah says in Qur’an 46 verse 15. Hence, whenever anyone adds a year, they are a year closer to their departure from this world. Once you are 40, just conclude that what you have left is not up to that which you’ve expended and when you attain 60, start dotting your I’s and crossing your T’s in preparation for the hereafter,” he advised

He added that no one would celebrate or party on the demise of another if only they knew the realities ahead of the deceased.

In his lecture, ‘The Day of Judgment and Life in Paradise and hell’, a lecturer at the Lagos State University of Education (LASUED) and Proprietor of Zamzam Academy in Ogun State, Sheikh Munirudeen Salahudeen (Ar-Riyaadhy), described the event on the day of resurrection, explaining how the trumpet will be blown and everything will cease to exist.

“Today, I’m to talk about the day of resurrection, what events will lead to that day as described by the Prophet (pbuh).

For instance, he (SAW) said the trumpet would be blown twice on that day. The first will mark the end of the universe and all that is in it before Allah (SWT) commands Angel Israfil to blow it for the second time when the resurrection of every creature will begin.

“The resurrection and adjudication will be done in stages, where everyone will await their verdict. Allah will decree who goes to Jannah or hell. Some people will be totally exonerated on that day, not subjected to trial or questioning. Allah will grant them admittance into eternal bliss. These are people who believed in Allah, had absolute reliance on Him and did not engage in soothsaying,” he explained.


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