Make a commitment to God

Sisters Confidence and Delight who were deaf and dumb received their healing at the just-concluded programme titled: “From Sorrow To Joy,” at the Lord’s Chosen headquarters church in Ijesha, Lagos

Whenever one commits him/herself to God, either by working for Him or financially committed to His service, God will always arise to such a person’s defense in times of need.

The people of old in the Bible knew this and were always prepared to stake something for God to intervene in their affairs. They never minded what it will take or cost to please God or attract His attention.

In the scripture above, Abraham nearly sacrificed his only son as a burnt offering to God. He had already bound his son, Isaac, and was to kill him, when a voice from heaven stopped him. The voice showed him a lamb that has been prepared for the burnt offering. It is an uncommon commitment that cannot be ignored with a wave of hand. God saw it as a sacrifice many people will not be prepared to make. In reaction to this unique commitment, God made the above statement, promising to bless Abraham in all things and also to multiply him abundantly.

The proof of the manifestation of the above promise came in Genesis 24:1, where the Bible states: “And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age: and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things.” The blessings of our father, Abraham must have been at a supersonic level for the Bible to say, ‘God has blessed him in all things.’

The blessing in all things is, indeed, the dividend of unusual commitment. Abraham’s children are like sand on the seashore, as all the countries in the Middle East of today are the descendants of Abraham. This happened through his direct sons, Isaac and Ishmael. The name Abraham has been immortalised because he loved God. He was obedient to God’s words and also ready to obey the divine instruction even in painful circumstances.

While he was serving as the ninth judge in Israel, a man called Jephthah made a vow to God, as he was leading the Israelites to warfront. He prayed to God and said: “If God should lead him to that war and bring him back successfully that whatever comes out from his house to welcome him will be sacrificed to God as burnt offering.” God actually led him and he returned victorious, but painfully, his only daughter led a group of virgin girls, as a dancing troupe, to meet him. It was painful to both Jephthah and his daughter. The girl, a virgin, pleaded with the father to be allowed to go out with her friends to lament over her virginity. Her request was granted; she stayed with her friends in the mountain for three months after which she came back and submitted herself to the father for a burnt sacrifice.

In some circles, there was this argument that she was not killed, but her father rather dedicated her to God, while she maintained her virginity. However, that is a topic for another day. The sacrifice of the only daughter to God is, indeed, an uncommon commitment. When this vow was made, God in His own part answered his prayers; led him to war, helped him run over his enemies and brought him back victorious.

In a related case, Hannah, the wife of Elkanah, had no child and her co-wife, Peninnah who had many children frequently mock her. It was a tradition in the family that their husband, Elkanah, takes the entire family to a yearly sacrifice in Shiloh where Eli was the high priest. After the normal sacrifice to God has been carried out and the family settled down to eat, Elkanah shared portions of the meat to the two wives. He gave to each of Peninnah’s children, while Hannah had just a portion. Peninnah had many shares for herself and her children. She capitalised on this to mock Hannah.

Hannah was heavily grieved, so, she went into the temple and poured out her heart to God. 1Samuel 1:9-11 notes: “So Hannah rose up after they had eaten in Shiloh, and after they had drunk. Now Eli the priest sat upon a seat by a post of the temple of the Lord. 10: And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore. 11: And she vowed a vow, and said, O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head.” With this prayer Hannah made a serious commitment to God. That year did not pass her, she conceived and gave birth to a male child before the next sacrifice. She did not join the family to Shiloh the coming year because she was nursing a baby.

When the child, Samuel was weaned, she dedicated him to the service of God. The high priest, Eli prayed for her and God blessed her with more children, three male and two female.

In her own case, Queen Esther put her life on the line by going to meet the King when it was against the law to do so, just to save the lives of the Jews in Shushan in Persian Kingdom. It was out of jealousy that Herman went and obtained the permission to carry out an ethnic cleansing that will exterminate all the Jews in Shushan. On the persuasion of her Uncle Mordecai, Queen Esther reacted in this manner in Esther 4:15-16 saying: “Then Esther bade them return Mordecai this answer, 16: Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.”

In the Persian kingdom nobody goes to the king uninvited, whoever tried that will surely be killed unless the king extends the golden sceptre to the person. When it became clear that Herman has got the permission to kill all the Jews, Esther offered to go to the king whether the action will lead to her death or not. She committed the matter into God’s hand and God saved her and the Jews people.

God is interested in the people who take extra-ordinary steps to accomplish divine projects. He will never allow such people to be put to shame. When you are seeking the face of God for anything; after praying, take a bold step and commit yourself either in cash or in service or both to God. God does not over look such unusual actions. God likes the people that take action. He will always be with them. No matter what you are asking from God, make commitment and you will have it in Jesus’ name.

However, you cannot make a commitment to God whom you do not know. Therefore, if you have not given your life to Christ, quickly do so now before it is too late; remember you are not the owner of your life. God desires that your soul be saved, therefore, surrender your life to Him now, which is the greatest commitment required of you.

Seized Container Released After G.O’s Prayer
MY name is Brother Emeka Iloanya. I reside at No. 24, Ohafia Street, Ago Palace Way, Okota, Lagos. My elder sister brought me to this ministry in November 2021. Before then, I was losing sleep over my seized container in Port Harcourt Wharf. I told my elder sister about it and she persuaded me to come to the Lord’s Chosen Ministry for prayers. She assured that I will get solutions to my problems. Before now, I do not believe in churches, but when I came here, the things I saw and heard changed my views on God. I now believe that God answers prayers.

On the first day I was here, it was on a Thursday and I presented my prayer request. It was about my seized container and the G.O prayed over it. On Sunday of the following week, which was the period of “Hope For The Needy,” G.O called for pledges and I came out for N500, 000. I prayed and told God that if He releases my container, I will give Him more. The following day I met my agent and told him that my container will be released in a week’s time. He was shocked and reminded me of the first examination carried out on the container that was not successful. I told him, this time around the examination will not fail and that, the container will be released on Thursday evening of that week.

After speaking in faith, I turned to go back to my hotel room, when the agent called my line to inform me that that my container has been released. Praise the Lord.

Moreover, that same day, my father went to market and on his way back to Okigwe, he stopped at Anara to board a connecting bus for his journey. He stopped an ITC bus and wanted to put his wares at the boot, but the boot would not open. All efforts to open the boot proved abortive and the vehicle had to go without him. My father had to negotiate for another bus. Just about 15 minutes the first bus left my father, it had a fatal accident — all occupants in the vehicle died. God used the jammed boot to prevent my father from entering the bus. Praise the Lord.

I give God all the glory for averting death in my family and also for releasing my container. May His name be praised forever in Jesus name. I pray for our G.O and his entire family, Chosen pastors, leaders, workers and members worldwide. Heaven at last in Jesus name. Chosen praise the Lord!


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