Make discipline, hard work, patriotism your watchwords, Marwa charges NMS boys

Buba Marwa

[FILES] Chairman of National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Mohammed Buba Marwa
The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (ND

LEA), Brig Gen Mohammed Buba Marwa (rtd), has charged boys of the Nigerian Military School (NMS) to make discipline, hard work, loyalty, and patriotism their watchwords throughout their study, and afterwards.

Marwa, who gave the charge in his remarks as the special guest of honour and reviewing officer of the 70th Foundation Day parade, urged the boys to make the most of the quality of education they have received.

He also warned them against indulging in substance abuse, noting that the school had made historical contributions in remolding boys to cater to the manpower needs of the Nigerian Army and other fields of human endeavours.

Addressing Class 6 boys, Marwa said: “The quality of education and solid foundation you have acquired in this prestigious institution is enough to serve as a springboard for your future endeavours. Therefore, discipline, hard work, loyalty, and patriotism should always be your watchwords and should also guide your actions. I wish you all the best in your ongoing external examinations.”

Turning to the other boys, he said: “You must continue to strive to maintain the level of discipline that NMS is known for. I am aware that your commandant is resolute and has maintained his resolve not to condone or spare any act of indiscipline in the school.”

He said as an ex-boy and an alumnus of the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA), “the time has come for us to begin consideration for automatic admission of graduating NMS boys into NDA.”

He also expressed appreciation to the school’s management for inviting him as the reviewing officer of the 70th Foundation Day parade.


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