Making your time count (1)

[FILES] John Okene. Photo: YOUTUBE
Time is an interesting concept. Before God created the heavens and the earth, there was no time. God is eternal and, therefore, cannot be measured by time. He is outside of time! God only entered time when Jesus Christ took on human flesh and was born as a child.

Man often thinks that he is a master of time. We even wear wristwatches, use wall clocks and other devices these days to precisely measure time, but we do not really understand time. Our Bible text of Roman 13: 11-12 says, we need to understand the time and wake up from our slumber. Many people have been sleeping for long and they need to come to the point of realisation to discover their purpose and pursue their God-given goal.

The night is far spent, you have been sitting in darkness for long, fighting life’s battles and pursuing after things that are of no relevance. It is time to rise and step into your new season.

The sun is about to shine again, so, put off every form of sin, laziness and unseriousness in your life and with the things of the kingdom. You have very limited time in life because everyday, we get closer to our destination. Put on the armour of light, get wisdom and begin to count your days, Psalm 90: 12. The greatest tragedy that can happen to a man is not death, but a life lived without fulfilling purpose.

You need to understand some facts about time. The biggest mistake in life is to think that you have all the time in the world. You do not have time; in fact, time is running out, so, whatsoever you have to do, do it fast! Secondly, time is free and also priceless. You cannot own it, but you can use it.

You cannot keep it, but you can spend it. Time is one of the most valuable gifts given to mankind. It is more valuable than money; you can get more of money, but you cannot get more time. Another fact is that, time lost can never be recovered. It is a gift from God and He has given us sufficiently to accomplish everything He has called us to do in life. He has also given to every man, equal time just as we have 24 hours for each day. It is how we each use our time that determines who will be great.

There are five ways that time is viewed by people. For those who celebrate, time appears very short. For those who are scared, time is very slow. If you have ever had a nightmare or an unpleasant night experience you will understand this better because in such a situation it would seem daybreak will take ages to come. The third view is for those who are sad; time is seen as very long. It appears like their sorrow will never end. Fourthly, for those who are making impact and in their season, time is very fast. It is not even enough for them to accomplish all that they have to do.

Finally, for those who love, time is eternity. May God give you wisdom to make the best use of your time this season in Jesus’ name.

• Rev. John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State. Prayer line: +2348135952623


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