Medical Cure And Spiritual Healing

spirituality-and-health-is-there-a-connection-05-628x290There is a difference between a cure and a healing, and this underlies the difference between medicine and spirituality.

Undoubtedly, the noble goal of medicine is to bring succour, relief and a cure to the myriad ailments which seem to plague humankind; yet, by their own admission, at least the majority of the medical faculty in Nigeria, ascribe healing to a power beyond them – God.

Many hospitals publicly post at their entrance gates the slogan ‘We care, but God heals’, and many a Nigerian patient has found tremendous comfort from these words.

A cure can be defined as a restoration, remedy or a removal. It is based very firmly in the evidence of materiality, symptoms and diagnosis. It takes its cue from organs, equipment and physical standards set by medicine. A cure is said to be effected for example when a healthy condition is restored, relief from a pain or alleviation of a swelling is achieved or there is a removal of symptoms.

Healing however goes beyond the physical picture or diseased sense presented. It is a restoration, but of wholeness rather than an alleviation of symptoms. It has a radical newness and vitality which makes the earlier diseased state seem to be a dream, an illusion that did not really touch man. Those who have experienced spiritual healing attest to the fact that their state of health is not only better than before, but the whole experience is transformative.

Medicine and science rejoice when a cure for an ailment is found, and recently, Dundee University, Scotland, heralded such a breakthrough for possibly curing malaria. Such announcements attest to the commitment of the medical faculty to bring a lessening of suffering from ill health, and should certainly be applauded. However, laudable as such medical and pharmaceutical breakthroughs are, they are no guarantee that using a wonder drug would mean the permanent end of bouts of malaria. It might bring quicker relief, but it only cures that particular bout of the ailment, it does not heal it permanently.

There is a remarkable statement in Science and Health with to the Scriptures, a book on spiritual healing written by Mary Baker Eddy [1829-1910], and borne out by incontrovertible, practical proof. Eddy writes ‘We think we are healed when a disease disappears, though it is liable to reappear; but we are never thoroughly healed until the liability to be ill is removed.’ Through her study of the Bible, and particularly of the works of Christ Jesus, Eddy discovered the rules for spiritual healing. She subjected these rules to the test, and numerous individuals continue to not merely be cured of ailments, but are completely healed. She wrote these rules in her aforementioned book.

If a possible cure by medicine elicits heartfelt thanksgiving and celebration, how much more the quieter but transformative healing which comes about through spiritual discipline – [yes, it takes an effort on the part of the individual] – turning to God, following the Christ example, study, adhering to the rules of spiritual healing discovered and childlike faith.

Moji Solanke  @CSCOM_NigWest

