Most popular online games played in Nigeria

Gaming Console PHOTO:Pixabay

Like most other countries, it is the millennials that are driving what the most played games are. Online casino gaming, mobile apps, PC and console games – the Nigerian gaming market is big growing quickly.

The online gaming market in Nigeria, according to Statista, is worth about $41 million, and it is online gaming that accounts for the largest percentage of the industry.

How did gaming start in Nigeria?

Like the rest of the world, Nigeria has moved from basic card games to mobile gaming apps, consoles, and access to high-speed internet. A couple of sectors in Nigerian gaming are seeing some big numbers and a year-on-year increase in players too.

Mobile gaming

With affordable and accessible mobile phone technology and an increasing amount of high-speed internet, mobile gaming is seeing a huge increase. While consoles and PCs are popular, mobile gaming and apps are the most popular right now in Nigeria.

Console and PC Growth
PC gaming and console gaming growth have been a little slower but are now gaming grounds. Initially, a lack of steady internet caused an issue for would-be gamers, but with eSports making a huge push to appeal to players globally, and technology becoming more affordable and accessible. – consoles and PCs are getting more popular.

So what are the most popular games in Nigeria? Let’s check it out!

League of Legends

LoL has been and remains one of the world’s biggest games. League is one of the most accessible games because it can be played on laptops, PCs, and Macs and offers up a nice rate of play. If you don’t have long to game, a quick ARAM is ideal – but if you want to get into it for a few hours, you can play the longer, more intense matches.

Play with friends you know and people you don’t. What makes LoL so popular in Nigeria? The African League of Legends Championship!


Choose your hero and make your way through foes to occupy and defend bases. DOTA 2 is one of the biggest-selling games in Nigeria and has been popular since its release in 2013, and plenty of forums and leagues for Nigerian players.

Like LoL, you can have some of your in-real-life friends join you online or play alone with people you have met online. The game has dedicated developers, so it gets regular updates and patches.

Each team has between 2-5 players of varying skill levels (although you get matched to similar players), and your collective job is to ensure that the opposing team doesn’t capture your base – while trying to capture theirs.

Defense of The Ancient games are some of the most enjoyable games, and it is no wonder that it is so popular in Nigeria.


The gambling ban that was in place in Nigeria was lifted in 2004, and that meant that Nigerians could start to enjoy some of the most popular games in the world. Slots are the most played online game and casino games in the world – millions of players have active accounts and play every day.

Unlike many other casino games like poker or blackjack (also highly popular), slots like Starburst slot from Virgin Games are hugely popular.

Slots are perfect for people who don’t have a lot of time and want to play a game for a couple of minutes and then get on with their day. Another bonus is that slots only require a small stake until you are more confident at playing. Slots are ideal for new gamers and veterans alike.

The online casino world has also seen significant uptake in South Africa, making Nigeria and South Africa the leaders in the online casino and gaming market.


Of course, one of the world’s biggest football games, translated into 18 languages and available in 51 countries, would be hugely popular in Nigeria. The FIFA series is one of the biggest-selling gaming franchises and is popular across Africa – not just in Nigeria. Since its introduction in Nigeria in the 1920s, football has gained enormous popularity nationwide.

It’s not just the most recent addition to the popular game series; gamers in Nigeria are still enjoying FIFA 18,19, and 20.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is the fourth installment from Hidden Path Entertainment and Valve and was released in 2012 – but sometimes games just become instant classics. This is one of the most popular multiplayer games in Nigeria.

This First person shooter has two teams facing each other. There is a huge amount of CS: GO players in Nigeria, and what’s more is that you can even place wages on the CS: GO tournaments.

Grand Theft Auto V

The 2008 release GTA IV: San Andreas set GTA V up for success. The initial 2008 release was a smash hit in Africa and saw plenty of players in Nigeria. The game is a lot of fun as you explore dangerous streets but a foot or by car and deal with the fictional location. You’ll need to beg, steal and borrow your way to toppling mobs and corrupt governments.

Gaming in Nigeria started with humble beginnings, just like many other places – with machines in local community places.

Now, it is rapidly evolving into a billion-dollar market. In the next few years, we will hopefully see even more games introduced to Nigeria and an increase in online gaming competitions and tournaments too!


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