Natural Remedies For Treating Migraines


Migraines are common among members of the workforce and people living in a noisy environment.

A migraine is a kind of headache, often limited to one side of the head, and is associated with sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines may vary in intensity and are usually described as throbbing or pounding pain.

Luckily, migraines have triggers that we may quickly identify. Since migraines appear pretty commonly, we must pin-point non-pharmacological (natural) remedies for subduing and treating migraines.

Identify your triggers

Certain foods may be precipitating your migraine. This list contains foods and beverages that have been known to cause migraines in various people.

However, it is unlikely that ALL of these foods may be responsible for your migraine.

To decipher which ones are the problem-causers, keep a detailed food journal. When a migraine occurs, quickly grab your journal and tabulate everything you’ve eaten in the past 24 hours.

  1. Chocolate
  2. Red wine
  3. Food containing nitrates, e.g. sausages, and bacon
  4. Foods containing MSG (monosodium glycate) including noodles and some Asian foods.
  5. Some kinds of cheese, e.g., Parmesan cheese.
  6. Beans, dried foods and processed foods

Try Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy involves fighting nausea and pain through the soothing anti-inflammatory action f some sweet-smelling oils and substances. Examples of chemicals that may relieve a migraine are peppermint oil and lavender oil.

Although many believe that aromatherapy has no real physiologic implications and is only psychological, recent research supports the anti-migraine claims. Studies have revealed that ginger provides analgesia in migraines.

Yoga and mindful breathing

Experts admit that yoga may reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks. They aid proper circulation and have been known to have an anti-stress effect on the performer. Setting aside a few minutes each day for mindful breathing and some yoga stretches improves mental and physical health. 

Book an acupuncture appointment

Inserting needles into particular pressure points will dissipate the tension in the periphery and boost circulation, inadvertently relieving migraine symptoms. According to research, the benefits of acupuncture are much more significant with multiple acupuncture sessions. So do not expect all the pain to disappear after just one session.

In one study, a total of 20 sessions was required for maximal effectiveness.

Also, confirm that you are getting the real deal, not Sham acupuncture where the needles are only allowed to just beneath the surface.  


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