NBA inaugurates Rules, Practice Committee

THE Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) has inaugurated its Rules and Practice Committee to review the existing Civil and Criminal Procedure Rules in Courts in Nigeria and propose all such amendments, modifications and new Rules that are required to update the Rules and aid the speedy dispensation of justice.                                                                                      Performing the inauguration at the weekend in Lagos, the President of the NBA, Mr. Augustine Alegeh SAN charged the committee Chairman and Members to take their appointment and duty serious. He commended them for accepting to render service to the Bar and the nation. “I want to urge you to remain steadfast and not to engage in actions that will distract you from the realization of the set objectives. We advise that you approach your task with utmost dedication and responsibility”, he counseled.  

    He noted that the set up of the Committee was in furtherance of the role of the NBA to act proactively to ensure an improved and effective justice delivery system which is critical to the attainment of rule of Law in Nigeria. 

    He said: “Our administration of justice system must ensure prompt and effective determination of matters in a manner that the interests of litigants, Judges, lawyers and other users of the justice system is made paramount and addressed accordingly. In this regard cases must be resolved timeously; the Lawyers and judges must be provided with a suitable work environment with rules that makes it possible to aid the justice delivery system. 

    “The citizens who interface with the judicial system must also feel satisfied with the level of service delivery. The Nigerian Bar Association does not possess the legal powers to determine the Rules and Practices in our Courts but as a crucial part of the justice delivery system the NBA has a duty to put forward clearly its position on how best to make the system work better and also push for the implementation of its position in all our Courts.”

    The committee headed by an erudite legal practitioner, Prof. Fidelis Oditah SAN, QC is also mandated to review existing Practices and operation of the justice delivery system and propose all such amendments, modifications and additions that are required to aid the speedy dispensation of justice. 

