NDDC adopts new youth development scheme


Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) says it has developed a new concept of working with the Niger Delta Chamber of Commerce in the training of youths and aspiring entrepreneurs in the Niger Delta region.

A statement by the Director, Corporate Affairs, Ibitoye Abosede, noted that the Commission announced this during Youth Interactive Forum, organised by the Commission in Port Harcourt, yesterday.

According to the statement, the Managing Director, Dr. Samuel Ogbuku, announced that the Commission would collaborate with Niger Delta Chamber of Commerce to support small and medium enterprises in the region.

He said: “We are considering setting up a Niger Delta Chamber of Commerce that will strengthen young entrepreneurs in the region. It is no longer acceptable that our youths will be at home and be receiving stipends. Hence, we are changing the NDDC Youth Volunteer Programme to Youth Internship Programmes, where youths will be attached to organisations for one year to learn skills.

“The chamber of commerce will help us to ensure that the programme is sustainable. We will focus on empowering young entrepreneurs because government cannot employ everybody. We will engage the youths to work for the benefit of everyone.”

Ogbuku noted that the NDDC was seeking partnerships through stakeholder engagements. He added: “We have gathered at this forum to hear from youths; to interact with them and rub minds because we realise we cannot be planning programmes for youths without involving them at the foundational level.

“The integration of ideas starts from the conception stage. That way, when the programme starts running, ideas of stakeholders are already incorporated. We believe youths must contribute to whatever plans we have for them.”


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