NGO tasks govt on funding for education, to support children’s school return

Bëta Nigeria

A Non-governmental Organization, Bëta Nigeria has called on the government to urgently increase budgetary allocations for the education sector.

Beta Nigeria made the call at a roundtable discussion with Civil Society Organizations, Journalists, and other key stakeholders to amplify the demand for educational reform.

The NGO noted that investments in education will translate to the creation of a skilled workforce, economic growth, and innovation in the long term for the country.

In his address, the National Lead for Beta Nigeria, Abdulsalam Badamasi stated that the organization will engage the Governments at all levels in ensuring that the menace of out-of-school children is tackled.

According to him, “when all of Nigeria’s children are going to school, staying in school and learning more, they will build a more resilient, more secure prosperous country.

“Bëtá Nigeria aims to corral, align, and support a broader network of organizations beyond traditional CSOs to increase demand for education reform, stressing the movement will continue to call for action that enhances educational prospects in Nigeria, aspiring to ensure that every Nigerian child goes to school, stays in school, and receives a good quality education.

“The roundtables culminated Bëtá Nigeria’s first efforts, launched in January 2024 proved there was a public interest in the initiatives and its potential to revitalize the Nigerian education system.

“Our dynamic, youthful population is full of potential,” emphasized the group’s declaration developed during the
roundtables,” but the crisis in our education system means millions face a bleak future.

“The declaration further emphasized that achieving this transformation requires more and better investment in
education, empowering future generations to become productive citizens.

Badamasi noted that the collaborative declaration has enabled Bëtá Nigeria to secure a unified commitment from diverse and multiple stakeholders across Nigeria in increasing demand for better education and fostering government accountability.

He emphasized that Bëtá Nigeria was a strong partnership forged by Nigerians, for Nigerians, and played a critical role in amplifying the voices of civil society and media in achieving more and better investment in education.

The Executive Director of AID Foundation, Emmanuel Bonet, commended the timely significance of the Beta Nigeria Campaign.

“Beta Nigeria Campaign couldn’t have come at a better time to provide a platform for stakeholders to prioritize their efforts in campaigning for a single issue around the education sector in Kaduna State.”

Dr. Micah Shabi, Executive Director of Improvement in Respect of Social Status of the Disabled in Kaduna, emphasized the timeliness of Beta Nigeria’s arrival in the country, stating, “Beta Nigeria arrives in Nigeria at the opportune moment, perfectly reflecting its name.

“It’s the right time for inclusive education for Persons With Disabilities (PWDs), as their challenges in education encompass various aspects social, political, and beyond.”

The roundtable brought together a diverse range of organizations working to support education, which includes the Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All (CSACEFA), The Aid Foundation, CSO Accountability platforms, and the Adolescent Girls Initiatives for Learning Empowerment (AGILE).


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