NIHOTOUR, Atelier Concierge sign pact on Gastronomy Festival

For the oncoming 2023 Gastronomy Festival billed to hold at the Abuja International Conference Centre from June 16 to 17, the National Institute for Hospitality and Tourism (NIHOTOUR), a parastatal of the Federal Government established to train, certify and register personnel in Nigeria’s hospitality, travel, and tourism sector, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Atelier Concierge Services Limited on partnerships to promote and host it.
The MoU was signed by the management of both organisations at the headquarters of NIHOTOUR in Abuja.

NIHOTOUR’s Gastronomy Festival is one of the most culturally eclectic culinary arts and related gastronomy events in Africa. The event attracts over 5000 visitors and industry stakeholders who participate in the experiential learning of food production processes and indulge in free sampling of diverse Nigerian and international cuisines and beverages on display. Typically, the festival is laced with traditional gaiety and entertainments that highlight Nigeria’s rich cultural diversity, including musicals and dance choreography.
This year’s Gastronomy Festival is the third consecutive food and beverage exhibition and sampling event, initiated and annually organised by NIHOTOUR, since 2021. The theme for this year’s festival is “Culinary Arts: The Gateway to Growing Tourism Destination”.
Activities lined-up for this year’s edition of the festival include some of the signature features namely, essay writing/quiz for secondary schools, cooking competition amongst culinary schools, exhibitions of cuisines by select African and European countries, and diverse culinary arts displays such as Knife skills, Fruit Carving and Cake decoration. There would also be conferences involving Nigeria’s leading tourism and hospitality stakeholders and business operators, especially those that are members of the Hospitality and Tourism Sector Skills Council of Nigeria (HTSSCN).


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