North held ace in presidential election

A general view of electoral materials used during the election are left inside a container at the state headquarters of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in Yola, Nigeria on February 26, 2023, the day after Nigeria’s presidential and general election. (Photo by PIUS UTOMI EKPEI / AFP)

These are interesting times in our political history. For the very first time, Nigeria had a three-horse race by riders, who were once political compatriots. They now became gladiators, each with significant national spread individually, claiming victory even before reaching and breasting the finish line.

The All Progressives Congress, the ruling party offered the last minute twist, where the belated redesign Naira policy, which the administration had over seven years to execute was curiously defended by the opposition, but fiercely contested legally by some of the governors, who had earlier championed the emergence of this administration at the centre.

The political climate these past two weeks was no longer at ease, as things fell apart with members of the ruling party openly taking on one another, while a former Vice Chancellor (VC) was challenged by his equally distinguished ex – student/ undergraduate, during his tenure on the calculus of power with the latter taking a courageous altruistic stance on power rotation to the South.

Having a head count concurrently then would have made the show comical enough to be worthy of recognition in the Guinness Book of records!

All the foreplay to election, though amusing, was however at a cost. Yes, heavy avoidable cost to the poor masses, who as “ grass suffers when two elephants fight. “

The judiciary seems temporarily drowned by the cacophony of voices from our legal minds, whose differing interpretation has left no immediate succour to the common man at the receiving end.

The masses do not deserve to be made sacrificial lambs on the seeming political table pre-and post-election challenge.

The proponent of this Naira redesign would have spared these innocent masses undeserved pain now inflicted arguably on a people traumatised by living in the acclaimed global capital of poverty.

Watching our mothers surcharged at Point of Sale (PoS) centres, as they exchanged old Naira for new notes and queuing at banks for hours for a favour of having a fraction of their savings to survive, is heart-wrenching.

Seeing poor PoS operators attacked and maimed while female bank workers suddenly acquired ‘Olympic’ fence jumping skills to escape the wrath of their frustrated customers, as reported all across the country was most distressing !

Now is the time to calm this misadventure in terms of timing, admit the inherent failure and reconstruct the policy in spite of its mouthed and acknowledged advantage.

We must now focus on creating and restoring a very conducive environment after the elections to give life back to our people.

This was one election where the decider of eventual victory was understandably the North in a contest of two candidates of Southern origin, and a candidate of Northern origin for the Presidency.
Clearly, the North though polarised by ethno-religious character of Labour Party sweeping across the Christian Northern belt and stubborn hold of Kwakwashiya movement on significant portion of vote basket, therein still had the final say though unable to give a block vote to any one and serial contender of Northern origin who had lost his party traditional hold of the South East and South South

The hype of Muslim-Muslim ticket didn’t play the projected critical role, rather party allegiance swayed needed voters in the political pendulum within the calculation

The magical spring up of Labour party candidate with large youth following basking in euphoria of #EndSARS aborted protest was unable to evoke sufficient revenge to guarantee the Labour Party’s anticipated overall electoral victory equating the aggressive social media presence.

Win or lose in the presidential election, the Labour Party is the greatest beneficiary of the current political development. It’s political statement has been made emphatically loud and clear.

This party has suddenly moved from political doldrums and insignificance to national prominence in a short space of time.

The Labour Party incursion in to the political space and showing is very commendable and consolatory within the time constraints. This momentum should be sustained for another day

It is now left to be seen how as a nation, we can deal with post-election stress from followers of these parties, who are immersed in their partisan confidence laced with claims of having won the election even before the first ballot is cast

The North has chosen one of candidates of Southern origin, perhaps in the best interest of national cohesion, rather than toe in line behind one of her own for a 16 years continuous stretch of retaining power in the North.

This is a plus for our democracy and a lesson to those fanning ethnic division and championing secessionist interest across the land with their co-conspirators in the Diaspora.

Nigeria is far from being a geographical expression. This nation, with wonderful and beautiful people, has come to stay and over time shown incredible capacity to surmount her challenges. The current political dust will be settled within the unfolding couple of weeks to carefully watch.

As the political combatants fire their final salvo in the last lap of the elections, the masses should be spared further hardship.

The power rotation from one pole of Nigeria to another is agreeably a non- negotiable national equation, which can neither be blurred nor compromised on the altar of narrow self-seeking parochial interest of a few.

Nigeria is greater than the loud individual interest of anyone, however highly-placed.

No blood of any Nigerian is worth sacrificing for personal ambition

Nigerians are justified to look forward to a leadership that would galvanise the enormous ingenious capacity of our youths to credible venture and harness all potentials within and outside our shores, to make Nigeria one of the greatest nations on earth.

It’s a new dawn!!!

Ajumobi, an Architect lives in Lagos.


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