Primate Olabayo’s new season’s prophetic offerings

[FILE PHOTO] Prophet Theophilus Olabayo is the Founder and Primate, Evangelical Church of Yahweh Worldwide. Photo/ChurchTimes

No person who is familiar with our turn of mind at this time of any new year in this country, our country will be surprised that our Christian prophets in particular are already displaying their prophetic gifts and skills. Whether or not some of the prophecies that have been dished out or that are still being dished out for consumption by the Nigerian public are sumptuous diets of delight or not means nothing to many persons. Whether the prophecies collectively constitute a ruse or not, those who believe them believe them. Whether the prophecies, in different guises, are, collectively (or singularly), nothing but tricks to tickle or capture the sensibilities and sensitivities of members of the gullible public or not, does not really matter.

Whether or not the majority of the prophecies are neither here nor there does not really matter to those who listen to the prophetic tongues of the prophets who spew them. But not all prophecies are a ruse. Not all prophecies are neither here nor there. Not all prophecies tickle and capture our interests with intensity for nothing. Clearly, most of the prophecies excite, tickle and capture each of our respective attentions and interests primarily because of the political gems in them. As a matter of fact, we should say that the madness of the political subjects in them excite us. Or we should simply state that the madness in our interpretations of the political motives in the prophecies arouse our keen interest in them.

Now I must lull my unusual introduction and let you see what I am at. Primate Theophilus Olabayo, founder of the Evangelical Church of Yaweh Worldwide is a golden fish, a golden prophet in the Body of Christ of our country and beyond our shores. I will not be wrong to call him the very first Nigerian modern Christian prophet known to us. I, in particular, have been following his prophecies since the nineteen seventies – if my memory is not failing me. Himself and the late parapsychologist Gabriel Okonzua used to tantalizing my youngish imagination with their art of prophecy. Indeed, in times past in the then years, they were popularly (or notoriously) known (by their detractors especially) as “prophets of doom.”

But their prophecies, especially Olabayo’s, had the uncanny habits of coming out true. In times past, I think I had said this much in this column. But for sometime now this forerunner of our country’s political prophets has kind of become taciturn or incommunicado. This handsomely public prophet has become unusually quiet and withdrawn and uncomfortably very private or too private in particular to the understanding or misunderstanding of the many persons who want him to prophesy the blunt truth relating to our current inglorious democracy. Of course, some persons, several of whom are readers of this column, have requested me to request the great man to say something prophetically about our country. What does God have in place for Nigeria in 2021? Is Primate Olabayo, prophet of prophets going to state his explicit prophetic blunts about Nigeria 2021? When I told those who requested me to sound out this prophet to make do with what other prophets in the land have said or have been saying, their one and common answer – even though they communicated with me at different times was that it is only Prophet Olabayo who can arouse and sustain with certainty their prophetic interests. Some of them also wanted me to give them an insight into the thoughts of the Spiritual Masters of Merit as Nigeria walks over the dew of a New Year and epoch.

Before I offer here what Prophet Olabayo has offered us, let me make some clarifications. The renown prophet is seemingly now private because several persons usually steal his prophecies and make them their own. In their words, as I can interpret his statement to me, there is unalloyed plagiarism even in the House of God and in the Body of Christ. Furthermore, some “prophets” are obviously compromised ones whose essential emotions are the feelings of “prophets” towards a guilty government of many corrupt persons who cannot escape what they cannot escape.

As from this year, the political class and judiciary will not escape what they will not and cannot escape no matter what they do. He is coming, he who must come to restructure Nigeria into six or seven independent regions in a loose federation. Only this intractable disposition can save Nigeria from disintegrating. Names of all those who cannot escape God’s wrath Prophet Olabayo supplied me. I am deliberating not mentioning them here. But they will be consumed in different guises. Crises upon crises are hurrying near. Hunger upon hunger and other evil deeds that will lead to a new kind of fighting here are maturing. They would not let any hunters and adventurers in political power sleep. Soon they will know and more than know that the people of Nigeria are the people of Nigeria. Their tones hence forth are not going to be the tones of docile, degraded and tortured people. Their tones henceforth will be the tones of the people of Nigeria who want to be real owners of their country: this country that must and will remain our country. Politicians everywhere will fail in their imposition of their selfish motives on Nigerians. Leaders of our anti-people parties are done for. Their acolytes are also done for. Their guilt has caught up with them. A prominent Yoruba leader (I withhold the name) will go – unless sincere prayers rescue him. Assassinations upon assassinations are rife everywhere. And coronavirus? A third wave of it, acutely, deadly and very tragically devastating, will hop in. And the service chiefs? Go or wetin wey nor won be go be. And ASUU? Let those playing fire with you grammarians be playing with fire.

Oh! Oh!! Oh!!! We must pray for Edo State. A deluge that is more than a deluge is coming to deluge the state. And a pre-eminent traditional ruler and number one personage in government house should watch their backs. Can this particular prophecy be altered? Why not with sincere prayers of the heart? But the great prophet revealed to me several puzzling and disquieting revelations which I must hold back until my artistically auspicious time to reveal the revelations. For now let me be a prophetic delinquent – or better put, a delinquent narrator and interpreter of sound and indelible prophetic offerings.

I hope Prophet Olabayo will not frown at this delinquent receiver of his prophecies. For once, let me hold my tongue and be an indehiscent revealer and interpreter of his prophecies. But our compatriots should rejoice.

And the Supreme Masters of Merit? What are their offerings? Mum is the word. Yes, mum is the word. But it is a positive mum. Rejoice compatriots, rejoice.
Afejuku can be reached via 08055213059.


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