Professor Dipo Irele and the critique of postmodernism

Today I celebrate an erudite scholar, a cerebral intellectual; an effective teacher; a very humane individual and indeed a deep thinker and philosopher of the Poststructuralist bent who is an embodiment of everything that have been said by greatest philosophers. One who despite bestrode the academic community; like a colossus refusing to be cowed by retrogressive and antebellum forces that arose in contestation of his well-known avowals and commitment to humanity.

Professor Oladipo Irele who until few days ago was a philosophy Lecturer at the University of Ibadan where he held several positions both in the Department and in the Faculty of Arts taught various courses but his forte was Political theory. It was in most of his classes that some of us came in contact with Marxian thoughts and the different contending philosophy that shape our perception of social realities.

As he retires from the university, it is important that we celebrate his passage from structured Academia having attained the statutory and mandatory retirement age of 70 years. In blowing his trumpet which we know he would not want to do himself, given his humble disposition, we would want others to see the light which his time in the citadel of learning brought to many Nigerian youth. In doing this, others will be encouraged to follow in his well-respected footsteps.

As a lecturer, he was available to all the students, especially most of us on the left of the ideological divide. He was not an armchair philosopher but was always involved in giving assistance to us even as we engaged in the struggle for the emancipation of our nation from the gyres of retrogression and underdevelopment. He patiently listened to us and supported our actions as student union leaders and as activists involved in the struggle.  This is despite the apparent cost to his career path.

He is from Edo State, Owan to be precise but most of us his students were from other sections of the country. He never showed any signs that we were not his brothers or any other biases. He can teach any course and verse in any area of knowledge.

He was active within the movement that waged the crusade for the actualisation of democracy and I remain active in galvanizing the consolidation of democracy and development in Nigeria. I have the opportunity of closer acquaintance with him and his argument as always been that the worst democratic government is better than the best military government fordevelopment in Nigeria.

His virtue is above ethnic and other primordial sentiments and this he taught most of us by his exemplary relationship with us. This he has continued demonstrating since all these years that we have come to know him. His standard and principles know neither tribe nor religion. Eventually, we have all become inured to the allure of ethnic and religious sentiments as a result. He was moulding true Nigerian patriots and was committed to these ideals. We doff our hats for you Sir!

A man of many parts; he left the University of Ibadan for a very short stay with the University of Lesotho South Africa. He taught various courses included amongst others Theory and strategy and tactics of underdevelopment. His contributions to the intellectual growth of the Academy led to the injection of an understanding within the cadreship of a world view that is broad and entirely holistic.

In Professor Ireleis a detribalised Nigerian who is very comfortable with everybody no matter the part of the nation from where you come from. He is always ready to engage us in any subject especially on issues that relate with Politics and its accompanying but overlapping Social Sciences. He sought our perspectives and does not frown or derogate our positions but skillfully presents his viewpoints allowing the light of his thoughts to shine on your position exposing its dark spots thus illuminating our understanding.

We are, indeed, indebted to Professor Irele who has featured as a shining example for the last four decades in our collective struggle to enthrone genuine democracy. I recall his numerous engagements with younger generations of cadres under the platform of Marxist Socialist Movement (MSM)coordinated by thelate Comrade Olaoni, an erudite professor of Economics at University of Ibadan. In line with Professor Irele’s quest for a society of conscious citizenry as well as selfless leadership, we are constantly reminded that poverty of the mind merely consigns citizens into the warm embrace and cheers of their very oppressors.

Our celebration of Professor Dipo Irele is a recognition of his commitment to forthrightness and excellence. Our sincere wish for Professor Irele as he clocked 70on April 6, 2024 is that he continues to live in good health with abundance of grace following meritorious retirement from the academics.

Congratulations to our Dear Distinguished Professor Dipo Irele!I join millions of well-wishers to celebrate Professor Irele and pray that the Almighty grant the fulfillments of his heart desires.
• Jimoh is a farmer and formerly, Member of Lagos State House of Assembly.
