Reps to probe electricity discos

ELECTRICITY consumers in Nigeria may soon get some relief as the House of Representatives yesterday resolved to investigate “an exploitation” of consumers by Electricity Distribution Companies (DISCOs).

The resolution followed the adoption of the motion by Philip Shaibu on the urgent need for the National Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) to better protect the public from certain unwholesome practices by the DISCOs.

Quoting section 32 (2) (f) of the Electricity Power Sector Reform Act, Cap. E7, Laws of the Federation, 2004, which empowers NERC to monitor and regulate the electricity industry, he expressed worry at the complaints about unwholesome practices, which fell short of established standards.

But for the intervention of the Speaker, Yakubu Dogara, however, the motion nearly failed on the floor during debate as some members punctured some of the prayers. Dogara noted that the prayers appeared to indict the DISCOs and the regulatory agency.

He observed, nevertheless, that it touched on some germane aspects of the existing Act. Therefore: “I would suggest that the mover of the motion goes back, drafts a bill to amend the existing NERC Act to take care of the concerns raised in the motion.

“Without prejudice, I believe there are aspects of the motion we can save and then amend those we don’t agree with. So, I feel we should let it pass but with appropriate amendments.”

In view of that, Osai Nicolas Osai proposed the setting up of an ad-hoc committee to investigate the allegations and report back to the House within four weeks. This was adopted as a resolution, though the committee was yet to be constituted.

