SA Tourism Appoints FCB South Africa As Lead Marketing Agency

Nzima and Morris  during press conference where FCB South Africa was announced as lead marketing agency.
Nzima and Morris during press conference where FCB South Africa was announced as lead marketing agency.

South African Tourism has announced the appointment of FCB South Africa (PTY) LTD as its Lead Marketing Agency in the execution of its mandate to market South Africa as a tourist destination of choice to both domestic and international tourists.

FCB South Africa’s appointment is on a non-exclusive basis to provide SA Tourism with the development and execution of integrated marketing services, media buying, planning and coordination services globally for a period of 3 years effective October 1. The contract is extendable for a further 2 years at the sole discretion of South African Tourism.

The tender process was completed having full regard for all laws and regulations governing supply chain management in the public sector with specific reference to Section 51 of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Act 1 of 1999.

South African Tourism’s Internal Audit unit played an oversight role during each of the stages of the tender process to ensure that roles, responsibilities and processes were executed in unison of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and National Treasury Regulations to ensure that all relevant aspects were addressed and complied with.

Thulani Nzima, SA Tourism’s Chief Executive Officer says: “We are very excited as SA Tourism to have FCB South Africa come on board as a Lead Marketing Agency at this critical point when we are aligning our international and domestic marketing strategies to speak in uniformity to the South African Tourism brand. We are operating in a very competitive environment that requires a well-defined brand that has global appeal and affinity, is consistently and seamlessly communicated and marketed, and has the impetus to attract tourists to our beautiful country.

