Saved from Dare-devil armed robbers

Equatorial Guinea choir ministering during the last Mgbidi 2023 Lagos Experience held at the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries’ headquarters in Ijesha, Lagos

My name is Pastor Ndubuisi Nwachukwu. I am from Abia State, but joined the Lord’s Chosen Revival Ministries in 2007. I thank God for the success of the crusade, titled: “Power Belongs To God.” After the programme, we were returning to Umuahia, our base, when armed robbers attacked us. We were six in the vehicle and I was in the front with the driver. Not quite long after we set off for the journey, the driver and I were hit on the head. With such a heavy blow, the driver began to struggle with his steering, but managed to pull the vehicle to a stop. He quickly opened his door and ran for dear life.

His actions made me to know that the three male occupants at the rear were armed robbers. They robbed the lady sitting with them, while I was still in the front seat confused about what to do. I was just holding my money and phone. But when I realised the danger surrounding me, I began to declare who I am and they ended up not taking anything from me. One of the robbers, however, went after the driver, while the other two stood very close to my door, pondering whether to blow-off my brain or not.

I was wearing my apron with, “Power Belongs To God” boldly written on it. Continuously I was declaring — “Where is the God of my pastor’s power,” when one of the robbers commanded his second to shoot me, but he could not do so, instead the person commanding began to shiver. In fact, both of them started behaving as if they were under a curse. They could neither move nor do anything serious and as I alighted from the vehicle they ran into the bush. Praise the Lord! God of Chosen is so great.
Secondly, on August 17, I went to Ohafia in Abia State for a vigil. I heard that there was an engagement between the gunmen and the military. I never knew it was a serious matter, so, I invited two people, who went ahead of me, for the vigil. I almost suspended my going, when I later knew about the veracity of the crisis. However, something in me prevailed that I must go, especially for the sake of the two invited guests that had gone ahead of me, so, I prepared and went after them.

I had to hire a bike to hasten my journey that night. Unfortunately, the bike man ran into the gunmen at Ohafia. These gunmen put their victims in a commonplace and were assaulting them one after the other. Getting to my turn, I began to declare: “I am a Chosen. I said this three times, and shouted, “the God of my pastor where are you? Immediately, the hand of the young man assigned to beat me hung in the air for some minutes and when he painfully and gently brought it down, he said: “Brother come to this side.” That was how I was set free. Praise the Lord!

In conclusion, I came to last year’s Mgbidi-Lagos Experience Crusade, with my pregnant wife and something mysterious happened. She became sick and I took her to the hospital where some tests were run on her. The results of the tests revealed that there was no baby in her womb. She wept bitterly and tore the result, saying that it was . But on the second day of the crusade, G.O mounted the podium and began to pray; he mentioned my wife’s case. He said: “There is a woman there, who has lost her pregnancy. I restore that pregnancy to you in Jesus’ name.” I said Amen!
Lo and behold, God perfected it and my wife was delivered of a baby boy. Praise the Lord!


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