Shettima urges doctors to stay in Nigeria, resist ‘Japa Syndrome’

Shettima's escape airplane accident
Vice President Kashim Shettima

Vice President Kashim Shettima has appealed to Nigerian doctors to resist the “Japa syndrome” and stay put in Nigeria to support the Bola Tinubu administration in its efforts to salvage the nation.

Apparently cautioning against the recent surge in a phenomenon colloquially referred to in the local parlance as “Japa Syndrome”, Shettima did not just ask the doctors to remain in the country but to resist the temptation of absconding without flashing a ray of hope.

He told them in confidence that the government has their interest at heart, saying he (Tinubu) has a lot of empathy for medical doctors who have chosen to stay back at home despite juicy offers abroad.

Shettima spoke on Tuesday when the National Executive Committee of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) led by its newly elected President, Prof. Bala Audu, paid him a courtesy visit at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

Urging the Nigerian doctors not to despair, the Vice President specifically implored them to “remain steadfast” and resist the temptation of offering their services in foreign lands, noting that “in President Tinubu, you have an ally who will stand by you at all times.”

“President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has Nigerian doctors at heart. He has a lot of empathy for our medical doctors who have opted to stay put at home, not for lack of offers,” the VP emphasized.

On the challenges facing them in the country, Shettima commended the giant strides of Nigerian doctors and their sacrifices in the service of the nation, especially in repositioning healthcare delivery.

He continued: “Let us stay back and salvage this nation together, this is our country and the greatest black nation on earth, and a promising nation that we need to invest in.

“The NMA is one of the most prestigious, preeminent associations in this country. We must commend you for the sacrifices you are making and for staying put in this nation.

“All hope is not lost because Nigerian doctors are making giant strides, recording milestones in the profession and, most importantly, making tremendous sacrifices to serve this nation.”

Senator Shettima further asked the NMA to encourage young doctors to specialize in key disciplines of medical practice and also check the activities of quacks in the profession.

On his part, the NMA President, Prof Audu, said the executive members were at the Presidential Villa to show solidarity for the Tinubu administration, particularly on account of its laudable policies for the health sector.

He stated: “The Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) has come here today as a partner to your government and a patriotic group of Nigerians dedicated to the success of the Renewed Hope Agenda of this government and to ensure that this government delivers quality healthcare to all Nigerians.”

The NMA President assured that the body “remains patriotic to this nation and will fully support the health policies of your government to drive improvement in quality healthcare delivery and universal access to services to all Nigerians.”


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