Shopping Addiction: Signs Of A Shopaholic

Are you a shopaholic, do you always go out with your credit card, do you have the urge to shop when you are alone, do you have a sense of excitement before making a purchase, can you stop yourself from going for an item you are crazy about because you can’t afford it, do you buy things that you end up not using or wearing,do you fight with loved ones about your need to shop, are you a shopaholic, these are questions we need to ask ourselves. Everybody enjoys shopping, we all want to look good, explore the beautiful mall and window shop in all the top designers store but there is a major problem when you have succumbed to obsessive shopping.

It is really difficult to tell if you are a shopaholic or when a loved one is, it is important to note that going on a shopping spree once in a while does not mean you are a shopping addict or shopping during the holiday period for things that are outside your budget.

The irresistible desire to shop is known as compulsive buying disorder or oniomania also known as shopaholics, people with this issue are overly focused on buying and suffer from disruptive anxiety that can only be relieved by shopping.

How to recognize a shopaholic;

  1. They spending over your budget.
  2. They spend money on item they don’t need.
  3. They mostly shop when they are angry or depressed.
  4. They return bought items because of guilt.
  5. They prefer credit card to cash.
  6. Delay in paying bills and open new credit accounts to allow more shopping.



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