Southern Nigeria and the delusion of 2023 Presidency – Part 3


While the South is busy ‘Buga-ing’, the north’s minute-by-minute planning is “how can we distract them (the south) and ensure power remains with the north?” They are thinking, “Who and who among their traitorous leaders can we buy over that will speak against them in support of the North retaining power”? They have unleashed Fulani terrorist into your farms to systematically intimidate and create scarcity of food in your lands. At the official level, they have deployed the military into your states in the south, as if there is a war already going on. For every one military checkpoint you see in the north, you have roughly eight within the same radius in the south. The ratio is worse in the South East, under the pretext of fighting IPOB members. It’s all part of the game of psychological warfare and defeat.

My postulation: They will declare Atiku winner of the election, irrespective of what the real voting numbers are. They will anticipate an uproar. To assuage the south, they have penciled down some names to appoint into key positions as soon as they declare Atiku winner. They will tell you to go to court and challenge the result. If your uproar spirals to a riotous tumult, they will deploy their military, kill a few and take some perceived frontline leaders of the protest into detention, reminiscent of June 12. They will direct the CBN to release any required amount of money to buy out leaders of the major tribal groups. For the candidates i.e., Tinubu, Peter Obi etc., they will tell them to name their price and promise to pay them any amount of money they want, to assuage and/or compensate them. Did I hear you say “it can never happen; this is not 1993”; wait for it. I will remind you.

As it was in 2015 and 2019, a dog that will get lost does not hear the whistle of its owner. They call us “Wailers” and “Political Neophytes.” Atiku is coming to finalise the Fulani agenda started by Buhari. Buhari spent the last eight years ‘restructuring’ the country to their preferred structure. He only needs Atiku to consolidate on that ‘restructuring’. Do people think he will hand over to a southerner who will deconstruct all that he has put in place for the benefit of his clan and their long-held belief that they own Nigeria? Atiku, I am told is more virulent and will exercise a vice-grip hold of the south. Just as Tinubu fed a lion which has almost now consumed him, those promoting Atiku now will be the first casualty. That is why he has never condemned Fulani atrocities. That was why he deleted that twit about the murderous killing of Deborah by some terrorists in Sokoto. Southern Nigeria has suffered enough under the yoke of this marriage. When is enough really enough? If Chief Obasanjo, with all of his ‘stubbornness’ and deep understanding of Nigeria’s social-political history could not salvage it, believe me, no one can. Not Peter Obi and not Tinubu.

From the onset, two countries that did not have anything in common were merged into a single entity. Nigeria has been a “state held together at gunpoint” since then.

It has been over a hundred years and everyone can see that it has not worked. Anyone adamant about keeping it so, no doubt, reaps from the agony and the frustration of the people of a failed state. They do not care about the wellbeing of the citizens or for the development of the country. Chief Richard Akinjide, a one-time staunch supporter of the north, who went to the extent of betraying his kinsman, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, for the benefit of the north; before he died, said the North believes they can use the military to rule the country in a form of internal colonialism. He further said and I quote: “These are people who do not make a distinction between public treasury and private treasury.” Basic economic tells us Savings and Investments are the engine for the growth of any economy. How can you ever hope to save and invest with such people? As far back as 1962, Chief Obafemi Awolowo had referred to them as “autocratic ruling caste” during his treason trial.

Before any progress can be made in southern Nigeria, we have to go back to the “two state solution,” northern Nigeria and southern Nigeria. Take it back to where it was before the British disingenuously merged them.
Southern Nigeria delineation

Already we are running two countries as it were anyway. The water resource bill is clear evidence. Those in southern Nigeria don’t want it while those in northern Nigeria welcome it and in fact anticipate it. The introduction of Sharia with its associated Hisbah police is another.

The states in the Middle Belt will be given the choice to decide if they prefer a country of their own or vote for a choice between becoming part of southern Nigeria or part of northern Nigeria. Thank God for the discovery of oil wells and other minerals in the north.

Southern Nigeria will decide after this first level of separation if they will continue as a unit or create new countries of Biafra, Oduduwa and Niger Delta thereafter. A president of Southern Nigeria extraction, (even if it were to happen), with the current structure of the country is window dressing; the sore would only fester. Like a friend of mine said, “if perchance they give you the presidency now, the Fulani, like a hawk, will patiently wait for when they return to power to finish their project. Why postpone the evil days.”

Some would say, why now, when the presidential election is less than two months to take place? It is because we know the election is a distraction. It is a destination to nowhere; to a darker wilderness. It is being used to renew the life of a slavish Constitution, the same reason our revered elder statesman, Chief Ayo Adebanjo had said there should not be any elections before a new Constitution. Pastor Chris Okotie also said just recently that there should be no election but that a transition government be put in place. Against all voices of wisdom, they are rail-roading us into an election because they need it as a vehicle to perpetuate their overlordship and finalise their evil agenda.


Omonua, an officer of the Canadian Armed Forces, lives in Ontario, Canada.


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