Suspended Nigcomsat MD sues govt

THE Managing Director of the Nigerian Communications Satellite Limited, Timasaniyu Ahmed-Rufai, who was suspended by the board of the agency last year, has sued government over the action.

Ahmed-Rufai is challenging his suspension and has, therefore, sued the Minister of Communications Technology, Dr. Omobola Johnson, at the National Industrial Court of Nigeria

Chairman of Board of NigComSat Limited, Prof. Turner Isoun and the Nigerian Communications Satellite Limited were also joined in the case.

When the matter came up for hearing yesterday, Counsel to the defendants, S.K. Nyako and J.I. Nwabufo, filed preliminary objections challenging the jurisdiction of the court presided over by Justice Maureen Esowe.

But Mr. Ben Alabi, counsel to Ahmed-Rufai, said that they had not been served with the motion of objection. The case was therefore adjourned till May 7 for the motion to be taking.

In his earlier petition to President Goodluck Jonathan, the suspended Nigcomsat Ltd chief denied any wrongdoing, stressing that no query was issued to him.

