Terry Waya Returns To The Social Scene

LIVING life to the fullest as one of the biggest boys around town back then with so much m o n e y to throw around and affluence to back it, Terry Waya had remained relatively unknown to the outside word until he staged a mother-of-all bash in the United Kingdom to celebrate his 40th birthday with over 10 Nigerian governors in attendance.

The birthday gig for so long remained a point of reference to other high octane parties held around town.

However, his fortunes began to dwindle as he went out of circulation as soon as some governors ran into troubled waters. The once ever-bubbly Terry went under cover and opted for a low profile life.

All that may have become a thing of the past as he appears to have bounced back in England where he resides.

He’s started making moves to regain his groove on the Nigerian social scene as he now appears at social events but still on a very low key.

