Testimony of the lord’s doing

She came to the programme of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries blind from birth, after attending the crusade God healed her at the church’s headquarters in Lagos. With her is her husband rejoicing with her at the event

Signs and wonders are children’s bread

My name is Sister Theresa Osami, I reside at Ikorodu. I joined the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries in 2006. A Chosen sister gave a magazine to my son in 2006, he kept the magazine on top of my bed, by then I was 23 years in Deeper Life Bible Church as a member.

I joined the church in April 1983, then I don’t read anyhow magazine but that day, I was led by the Spirit of God to read the magazine, after that I realised that there is a church here in Ijesha. I read numerous testimonies so I decided to come to the church. That particular day, I read the magazine it was Monday, in the evening I went for Bible Study in my former church, on my way back home I had a fatal accident that prevented me from coming to the church on Tuesday. I was treated, my mouth was torn into pieces, the following week Tuesday I came with my daughter to this place.

The choir ministered and it was glorious, as I listened to series of testimonies, our General Pastor came to the pulpit and ministered, after the service I went home. I didn’t know that miracle has happened in my life, in the evening I went to the clinic to remove the stitches. As the doctor was removing the stitches, he saw that my mouth became normal, there was no mark or sign of bruised mouth, the doctor was marveled, my two teeth that were shaking badly after the accident became strong and intact, I left the hospital and that was how I became a member of Chosen. Praise the Lord!

Secondly, when I parked to my present home of residence, I started having series of attacks in the dream. I reported the matter to my autonomous pastor and he prayed for me. In July, last year, a woman came to me and told me that she will fight me and kill me, I declared myself a Chosen three times and she vanished, before I knew it.

I saw myself bringing out noodles from my mouth, someone said to me that it was poison. When I woke up, it was a Sunday morning, I dressed up and went to church. I prayed at the altar, and since that day, all my body became pep-perish, I couldn’t sleep well.

Two weeks ago, I came here for Thursday service, when our General Pastor came out, he said: “You, that woman there, that has been afflicted, I cancel the affliction, I return it back to sender.” I claimed it.

The pepperish feeling on my body made physical ants came out of my body, after that service I slept well. Then, last Thursday, I came again, during testimony time I saw a big object flying out from my left hand when our General Pastor mounted the pulpit, he prayed diversely and since then I got myself. I return all glory to God for what He has done for me. May His name be glorified forever in Jesus’ name.
Praise the Lord!



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