Testimony: Yoke of stagnancy broken

Campus choir ministering at the just-concluded crusade titled: “Except The Lord Build The House” held at The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministriesheadquarters in Ijesha, Lagos

My name is Isaiah Ndukwu. I reside in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. My problem started in 2017 after I returned to my base after a brief visit to Nigeria. As soon as I got back, everything about me was stagnant. Nobody was interested to do business with me. Any transaction I got involved would suddenly become soured and the other parties would regret why I was included. It got to a point that I began tolive from hand to mouth. Even the people I thought how to do business in Malabo distanced themselves from me.

I used to criticise The Lord’s Chosen members, particularly those who boast of God’s marvellous works. I never believed in miracles until I was invited and attended The Lord’s Chosen crusade. During the crusade, many people with diverse health challenges received their healings after the man of God prayed for them.

On my own part, as soon as the pastor started deliverance prayers and people started falling down, I was busy trying to figure out what was the cause of their hysterics and why some of them are falling to the ground, when I suddenly found myself pulled out of the congregation to the pulpit. I later discovered I was under the influence of the anointing of the man of God. During the deliverance prayers, the pastor kept saying there was somebody suffering from the yoke of stagnancy who will receive today a call that will positively change his life. I did not know the prophetic utterance was for me.

When I got home, I felt like someone who has been relieved of a very heavy load. Not quite I stepped into my house than I got a call from an old customer to supply some goods. The customer, who had refused to pick my calls since I came back from Nigeria in 2017, was repeatedly calling me. He pleaded I should make the delivery that day, but I told him it would only be possible after the crusade. His call woke me from sleep the next day after crusade and I went and service the order.
Lo and behold, I made 100 percent profit. And since that time till now I have made more than what I used to make in a year.

Beloved, I am humbled by the mercy of God. I can now tell every ear that God of Chosen is a true God.


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