The Strongest Pillar In Marriage Is Godliness—Adewale

image source mendourmarriage
image source mendourmarriage
THE Family Booster Ministry, an interdenominational ministry headed by Pastor Bisi Adewale, has counselled singles and married people to hold on to God and live according to His teachings, noting that He stands as the strongest pillar in every successful home.

He made this disclosure at the fourth yearly Singles and Married Conference organised by his ministry with the theme: “Pillars of Marriage,” which held recently in Lagos.

Adewale, while speaking on the theme of the conference, said: “Marriage is a product of God and it takes godly character and attitude to make it work; so you must be born again. Pray about your spouse and for divine direction. Marriage is like a road you’ve never travelled before, and you need a compass to embark on the journey. You should be adequately prepared emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally.”

Enunciating the role of the family in nation building, Adewale noted: “If there is no family, there is no church or nation. Indeed, the Boko Haram issue we are dealing with today is traceable to the family. Several years ago, I was in Katsina and I saw a lot of young children begging and sleeping on the streets. Then, I knew our country was sitting on a keg of gunpowder. When there is no family where these children can grow up, the nation is in trouble.

We are killing terrorists in the north, but we are not tackling the root of the problem. The Almajiris are still there. An average woman there gives birth to about eight children and nobody is catering for them. When you see a strong nation and church, then you have seen strong families. One of my concerns with this nation is that our government is yet to really wake up to have a definite plan for the family. Family teachings are not being incorporated into schools and that is why an average man cannot control a wife and two children.”

Advising the womenfolk, Mrs. Yomi Adewale and partner in the ministry, quoted a Bible passage: “The Bible says that except the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain that builds. When you stand on the pedestal of godliness, the journey looks smooth because you have pitched your tent with someone that knows the Lord and so, you don’t need to look for a road map; the owner of the road is by your side.

The temperature of a marriage is determined by the woman’s disposition. A woman should be calm, patient, prayerful, godly and good in character, no matter the behaviour of her husband. She can still win him and go far. So, I challenge every woman to bring out the best in their spouses.”

She called on mothers to teach their children the way of the Lord. The event, which brought together many young people, witnessed prayer sessions, song ministrations from Benita Okogie and the ministry’s choir.

