There Is Envy And Jealousy, Even In the Church, Says Ezekiel

church- image source donjuanbeachresort
church- image source donjuanbeachresort
THE General Overseer of Christian Pentecostal Mission (CPM) International, Ajao Estate, Lagos, Rev. (Dr.) Obiora Ezekiel has reminded participants at the just concluded Back-To-Bible Conference that they were made in the image and likeness of God and as such, they should live by His principles and teachings.

At the four-day programme held at the church headquarters, the General Overseer noted that as humans, “we have been created in God’s divine nature, which depicts His unquantifiable love for us. Hence, He showers us with His mercy whenever we fall short of His glory.

“I discovered I was created three times— horizontally, vertically and in Christ. While the horizontal form makes us act like animals, if we walk with our stomach facing down, the vertical stands for animals that stands erect, while being created in Christ makes the whole difference. When one does not have Christ in him/her, he is as good as an animal walking on two legs.

“However, most of us prefer to fulfill the desires of the flesh, even when by nature, we are children of Christ. Christ loves us so much and so He is rich in mercy. Before the foundation of the world, God knew man will fall to sin and that is why His mercy abounds,” the founder said.

He urged the church to return to God’s divine nature, which is His will for us.

“Through sin, man took off the grace of God and now we are just natural men, who can behave like animals. The devil came with sin to pollute souls from turning to Christ. We discover that today even in the church, there is so much envy and jealousy, which are the first sins synonymous to the devil; they put us away from God. I call on ministers to ensure that they save souls for Christ not just by their teachings but by their actions,” the cleric noted.

Rev. Isaac Itobiye, while speaking on the Spirit of Honour, described it as a means to show love, reverence, regard, obedience or high value to an institution or esteem another.

“Honour is a call; the only way out as a Christian in this world is to learn to honour God’s call. That way, the kingdom of God will expand. We must express honour to those deserving it, including leaders, parents, spouses and children,” he said.

