Traditional methods of cooking risky, says ECN

Abdullahi Mustapha

Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN) has said traditional methods of cooking pose serious health and environmental hazards.

Director-General of ECN, Dr Mustapha Abdullahi, disclosed this in Abuja, at the gender sensitisation training workshop on the adoption of clean cooking solutions, highlighting the need for a change from the traditional methods.

Abdullahi emphasised the importance of adopting clean cookstoves to mitigate the risks associated with traditional cooking methods.

He noted that the workshop was to promote knowledge sharing, capacity building and collaborative action to accelerate the transition to clean and sustainable cooking solutions.

The ECN boss said: “As we gather here today, we recognise the pivotal role clean cooking solutions play in not only ensuring access to safe and sustainable energy but also in empowering women and promoting gender equality. In many households, particularly in rural areas, women bear the primary responsibility of cooking by traditional methods that often pose serious health risks and environmental hazards”.

“Through the adoption of clean cookstoves, we aim to mitigate these challenges, improve health outcomes, reduce environmental degradation and enhance the socio-economic well-being of women and their families.”

Director General of Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN), Charles Odii, also congratulated ECN on the initiative and expressed support for continued partnership.

Odii, who was represented by the Assistant Chief Enterprises Officer, SMEDAN, Idorenyin Etim, said: “The adoption of innovation and technology brings about significant breakthroughs in various fields.”


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